- four !

160 7 2

namjohn, thats the guy's name, right?

Ah! How did you get
my number @@

Change 'Unknown' to Jungkook?

[yes] no

Asked that soojin chick.

I see then

Anyway i just wanted to mention
how the group project is due in like
,, 2 days

Oh no! I forgot all about it
( ; ; )im so sorry

Change 'Eunhae' to school'sinnocentgirl




yes [no]

Its wtv ig.
Namjoon hyung is having
a party at his house
Tae wants you to come. 🙄

Mm, alright sure!
Only if i can bring yerim and
ah,, and also
I thought tae didnt wanna talk to m
I meany me

Oh wow.
Do i make you that nervous that you forgot how to spell?,,
He wasnt upset at you, mostly at jimin.

No ! You dont make me nervous
Whyd he be upset at jimin anyways ?

I dont think i should say
just make sure to hang out with
taehyung at the party.


I asked her for you.
She said she'd come.
Yw. 👊

GanHsknHdj alright good
I owe you one 👊

You really like her, huh.

Incoming Call from school'sdumbblonde

[answer] decline

Jungkook clicked his tongue in slight annoyance before he picked up hesitantly, "yes, what," he grumbled, holding his phone to his ear. He heard an inhale from the other side.

"To answer your question, yes. I do like her. Maybe a little more than wanted but- aish, i dunno," Tae muttered, "im just really happy she said she'd come! Maybe i should get to know her at this party. Ah-"

Jungkook didnt know how to feel, listening to his friends 'fanboying'. Eunhae was...

He didnt know.

She was different was all he could say.

He didnt like how she never really- defended herself. She just let things slide.

"Okay, yeah, yeah i get it. Shut up."

"What should i wear-? Oh my god, I should finally wear that gucci jacket i was talking to you about! You know- the one with the tige-"

"Yes, okay, i know."

| 11:19am

"Eunhae, you usually never go out to parties. What makes this party so special?" Yerim asked, an eyebrow raised in suspicion. Soojin nodded her head, wanting to know the same reason.

You looked up at the ceiling before coming up with an answer, "well, firstly because jungkook suddenly asked me to come and second because, taehyung and jungkook are my new friends so! Its only curtesy!"

Soojin squinted her eyes for a few seconds, "Jungkook asked... you?"

"Mhm?" You replied.

"I didnt know you guys were that close," she muttered quietly, sounding sulky.

"Is something wrong?" You pouted, cocking your head to the side.

"Oh, no, no. Dont worry," she shook her head, her black shiny hair bouncing side to side as she did.

"Ah, okay then."

"See, that doesnt make sense- what about Jackson Wang, that totally weird guy from the football team asked you to come to some party but you declined. How is that any different from what Jungkook did," Yerim pursed her lips, genuinely curious.

You sighed, "i didnt really know him that well anyways."

"True," the brown haired girl agreed, leaning her head against the cold table the three of you were sitting at for lunch, "anyways, ill totally come. Only for you though."

"Really!? Great! Id be too scared to go by myself," you giggled sheepishly before turning to Soojin to see if she'd come too.

"Ill come too," she said, forcing a smile on her face awkwardly, "but Eunhae, you dont really have many clothes for a party. If youd want, you can borrow from me."

Your eyes widened, thinking about Soojin's fashion sense. She tended to wear quite baggy sweaters and such on casual days but this wouldnt be the first time youd see her in a 'going out' outfit. She'd wear quite short skirts, dresses and lots of skin exposing tops. But you had to agree, she rocked that kinda style so you couldnt really blame her.

"A-ah no its okay. Ill come up with something, i guess."

"Namjohn, thats the guy's name right?" Yerim asked, looking up from the table she laid her head on. You thought for a moment, trying to recall yourself what the male's name was.

"Uhh. Something like that? Namj... namjun? No it was- namjoon!" You finally remembered.

"...ehh, ill keep Namjohn. Thats way better," she laughed, throwing her head back.

"Aish! Dont get yourself kicked out from the party!"

good girl jjkWhere stories live. Discover now