- fifteen !

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Your chest heaved up and down; your heart beat beginning to slow down as your eyes glued onto the figure who had just hit the men that were bothering you. Averting your gaze, you clutched your own scarf around your neck out of stress.

"See what you did there-" the guy who was holding onto your wrist tightly spat in fear of being the next to be knocked down, letting go of it to run away from the figure. The figure in the darkness slowly begin to walk towards you, light from a nearby streetlight shining against it which allowed you to make out a black hoodie. Continuing to move towards you, it then passed by you, seemingly following the male with clenched fists who had attempted to escape.

With all the strangers down, you quickly tried to scramble to your feet, flinching backwards as you could feel someone wet against your fingertips once you had touched your legs.

it was blood.

You were bleeding from your knees scraping against the concrete below you. With two tears falling from both your eyes, you tried again to hop onto your feet, succeeding this time.

The hooded figure was now returning to you, their hands in their hoodie's pocket. You looked up at them weakly, eyes still filled with fear and tears, your voice cracked, "p-please dont hurt me.."

"What? Eunhae, what the fuck do you think youre doing out here all alone?" the figure asked as they started puffing from exhaustion. Their voice. It couldnt be-

"J-jungkook?! H-how- why-" you stuttered with wide eyes. You were shocked. Jungkook kept his midnight-like eyes locked on you as he just clicked his tongue irritatedly and looked away.

"Answer me first. Don't tell me youre dumb enough to be here all alone?" the black haired male scolded, holding his own hands which had bruised already from how hard he had been using them. You sniffled as you shook your head, a few more tears of regret escaping your eyes, "quit crying... I dont like when girls..." he trailed off quietly, looking at you with a softened gaze.

"I-I know. Im so sorry..." you looked away as you covered your red puffy eyes with one of your arms, not wanting to show Jungkook. The male clenched his jaw before looking up at the dark starry night sky with an unreadable expression.

"I was walking to Tae's house... he wanted to tell me something but then i heard you," he replied before dropping his head down from facing the sky as he laughed for a second, "youre pretty loud, y'know. I guess i could tell your screams from a mile away, seeing how much ive heard them."

You wiped your last tears, now giggling softly, "t-thats not a good thing-" you joked back before realising you shouldve arrived home already, "o-oh no- I need to get home now or Minho wouldnt be happy-"

Jungkook gulped nervously, feeling his whole body stiffen up by the mention of your older brothers name, "fuck that gorilla..." he cursed under breath, his quiet enough for you not to hear, "Im going to walk you home then."

"A-ah- are you sure? I dont know m-maybe-"

"Whether you like it or not. I dont care. Trust me, I dont wanna see your brother mad either. So just shut the fuc- please be quiet," the bunny toothed male stubbornly argued as he rolled his eyes at the last part. You looked up at him for a little, unable to refuse.

"I guess..." you responded, as you slowly began to walk again, only now with Jungkook following behind you. It was as if he was just a shadow, moving in sync with you.

| 8:40pm

"Well, we're here now..." you softly said as both you and the other stopped outside your home, "I think you should stay just for a little. It was really cold out tonight, maybe you could warm up inside my home," the suggestion rung through the male's head as he kept thinking about Minho.

"Ah... I dunno-"

"Eunhae?! Youre finally home!" an older woman's voice called from within the house. You immediately turned your head to look over at your mother, almost already running towards her. Gently wrapping your arms around your mom, you felt her slightly freeze in position as she saw a mysterious male standing where you previously were.

With an 'im fucked expression', Jungkook awkwardly began to walk away, hands still in his hoodie.

"Eunhae, whos that?"

"O-oh, hes in my class Mom. We bumped into each other and he decided to walk me home," you answered whilst blinking a few times, wondering why he was walking away already. Your mother just shone a fake smile at the male, scared that her daughter was hanging out with someone... with a splatter of blood on his cheek, "can we let him inside?"

"Oh Eunhae, uhm well-" your mother began nervously before she averted her gaze back down to you, seeing you have a pleading expression, "...alright fine."

"Ah alright! Jungkook! Come inside!" You called out loudly, using your hands on both the sides of your mouth to call out. Jungkook immediately stopped walking away, looking back at you with a scared expression.

Clearly your Mom didnt want him here

and neither did he.


What you had forgotten, was Minho would be home.

So there the three of you were, sitting at your dining table each with hot chocolates in your hands.

"What were you doing that made you come home late?" he suddenly asked monotonously, taking a sip out of his mug while quite obviously glaring at jungkook from across the table. You held your hands up in defence as you tried to smile with furrowed eyebrows.

"O-oh, you know... I had no idea the café would close so late, haha."

"Is that so? How did you find that guy then?" Minho questioned once more, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. This was exactly what he didnt want. The thought of you and one of Taehyung's friend's was enough to drive him off the edge.

"I saw him walking the same way, of course!~" you answered as sweetly as you could, drinking your hot chocolate while intimidatingly looking off at Jungkook all the way down the table, wishing he could help. But of course, Jungkook was panicking inside as well.

The male took his hands out of his hoodie, now taking hold of the hot chocolate in front of him.

Suddenly Minho sat his mug against the table loudly banging it, "cut the act Eunhae," he coldly barked, practically burning holes through you with how much anger was seen through his eyes.

You jumped up at the loud noise a little, your whole body beginning to shake horrifiedly, "w-what do you mean?"

"Youre telling me you came home with blood all over you, a red face and him with bruises all over his fingers a coincidence? Tell me what really happened," he started to breathe heavily in rage, standing up slightly as he clutched his fists tightly, now steadily watching Jungkook instead, "-did he hurt you Eunhae? Because i fucking swear-!" the male rowdily stood up fully, his chair screeching backwards.

"M-minho-! Please- thats not it at all!"

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