- eleven ! + beach !

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alright! now lets swim!

"Ah- wow!" You exclaimed in awe running onto the dry baked sand after exiting one of Namjoon's black escort cars. Yerim ran over you, laughing happily as you reached the water and stopped, leaning to see the clear beautiful water ripple around your feet.

"Eunhaeee! We're going to set up the towels and everything! Go get changed!" Taehyung called out from the car as all the others went to the boot of the car to take out the umbrellas, towels and other needs. You shot up a thumbs up at him before walking towards what seemed like a changing room, it was like one of those colourful small rooms with nothing but a door to exit and enter with.

Taehyung exhaled with a smile, unable to control how euphoric he was feeling. Namjoon dropped the five towels he was holding to the ground and slung an arm around the blonde's shoulders, "so... Tae. Tell me, are you only smiling because you wanna see Eunhae in a small, skin tight bikini?" Namjoon teased boldly, sending Taehyung to elbow him in the stomach.

"Come on! This trip isnt just about the chicks, its for bro time too!" some orange haired male scoffed, fixating his hat he was wearing while he carried out an umbrella to some spot on the sand.

"Hoseok! Wait!" a black haired male wailed as he chased after him, "you need to set it somewhere nice and smooth so i can sleeep!"

"Jisoo-ah, do you want to change in a changing room too? Or are you just going to take off your outer shirt?" asked Jin, turning towards his gorgeous girlfriend. Yes, she came along as well. Jisoo smiled, her dark eyes crinkling into upside down crescents as she did.

"I have my swim suit underneath this, don't worry," she replied, sliding her hand into his as they both walked down towards where hoseok had placed the umbrella in the sand.

Jungkook sat on a beach towel underneath his own little beach umbrella, sucking the life out of some banana milk box. Taehyung huffed loudly, throwing the mass amounts of beach floaties on the sand beside the bunny toothed male.

"Kook, you look spaced out. What's wrong?" he asked his younger friend with a cocked head as he waited for his reply. Jungkook blinked a few times before sighing and shaking his head, drawing in the sand with his finger a little, "just because soojin didnt come?"

Jungkook gasped before profusely shaking his head even more causing Taehyung to chuckle, "well-" the male lifted the bottom of his shirt before throwing it off and onto the ground, his exposed chest and abs on full display, "-dont look so unhappy."

"Taehyung! Can you tell your girl friends to hurry up! Im all suited to go for a dip but apparently i cant because we need to wait for them!" protested the male with orange hair as he had his hands on his hips, a duck floatie around his waist and a full on scuba diving snorkel mask on.

Taehyung snorted out laughing, along with jungkook who just covered his face in embarrassment. Then, he heard some small giggles to his left, causing him to turn towards you and yerim.

"Im sorry if i took too long! My swimsuit was tighter than i thought," you jokingly cried. You were wearing a white one piece with black small polkadots everywhere not to mention the ruffle on your chest which covered your shoulders as well. Yerim showed up in a yellow two piece with more ruffles that went diagonally on both the top and bottom.

"No... its okay," Taehyung choked, covering his eyes slightly. He didnt understand why looking at you dressed in something so skin revealing felt... corrupting. You always made his heart skip a beat whenever you did something adorable but this was just different.

"Alright! Now lets swim!" the carrot headed male jumped up from his towel and raced towards the shore which he practically cannonballed into.

"Eunhae lets go!" Yerim exclaimed before taking your hand and dragging you with her towards the water as well which left taehyung chasing after the both of you.

Jungkook sat alone, hugging his knees to his chest as he sipped his now empty banana milk box, watching everyone else go for a swim. He wanted to get up and join you too. But he didnt think he was allowed to.

"Shoulder wars!" someone called out, resulting in everyone to go on someones shoulders and try and stay on. Taehyung blinked a few times before smiling brightly and scooping you up onto his broad, bare shoulders. You gasped in slight surprise before giggling and attempting to stay on.

Yerim grabbed a certain silver haired males hair roughly, climbing onto his shoulders as well to 'fight' you.

"Jisoo, do you want to go on my back too?" Jin chuckled, turning to his black haired girlfriend that nodded in agreement. He then went underwater, gently took hold of her legs and wrapped them around his neck loosely.

Thats when you saw her

Jin's girlfriend, Jisoo.

She was gorgeous, features of a model even. She wasnt wearing some kiddish one piece swim suit either, the female had a two piece on that showed her curves perfectly. You couldn't help but feel slightly insecure. So Taehyung was right...

Being distracted by some guy's girlfriend led to you losing balance and eventually falling back into the water, which you easily floated back to the surface from.

"Ah-! Oops! You arent hurt are you?" Taehyung asked with pure concern as he turned towards you. You shook your head, biting your bottom lip as you started to walk deeper into the water, away from everyone else without a word. You didnt know what you were thinking, or even what you were trying to accomplish but all you could remember was getting swept away by the waters current.

"Shit! Eunhae!"

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