- thirteen !

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ahaha... what the fuck?

For the next few days, you had managed to slightly avoid Taehyung and his friends. Although that couldnt be helped from Jungkook being in a few of your classes with you. Of course, Tae didnt go on a day without saying hi to you at least once, but apart from that-you hadnt struck a conversation up or anything.

But what made things worse, was how Minho watched over you even if you were all the way at the other side of the hallway from him. Could you blame him? What he said was true...

and how could you deny it.

Everything was going well before the local cafe had called for some volunteers to help with working with their business.

and thats where you are right now.

Standing behind a counter with Taehyung leaning on it in front of you.

"Eunhae, hey. No idea you'd volunteer here too," the blonde flashed you his sweet recognisable boxy smile, which you couldn't help but return back.

"Y-yep!" you stuttered, fiddling around with your fingers a little as you looked down at the cash register propped in the centre of the countertop. Taehyung stood back up straight, running his fingers through his shiny blonde locks, a small sigh leaving his lips.

"Wheres Yerim? She would usually be with you," he asked, slowly walking towards a table to wipe it down clean with the white cloth he had in his hand, his footsteps echoing throughout the cafe.

"Shes at a soccer game."

"Ah, i see," Tae then swiftly made his way towards the stack of chairs in the corner of the room, digging his fingers underneath the bottom of the chair on the top and slowly lifted it off. His veins were slightly popping out from the weight before he neatly slid it beside the table, "i can see where her rowdy side comes from."

"Rowdy?" you repeated with a giggle, placing one of your hands on your cheek in thought as Taehyung continued to move each chair to the right spots.

"Yeah," he smiled, "what? is there something else you would rather describe her as?"

"Protective perhaps," you answered, softly letting your mind sink into a deep hole of ease. Protective was a good word, you imagined.

"only protective of only you, of course."

"Ah, what am i supposed to do?" you rhetorically asked with a non held back laugh, balling one of your hands up a little and holding it against your bottom lip. Taehyung's eyes lit up, freezing in his position to look back at you, feeling his heart begin to melt as he chuckled with you happily.

no words were needed to be said at that moment-

"Ahaha... what the fuck?" a sudden low voice questioned from the entrance of the cafe. You gasped, covering your mouth with a few of your fingers as your head immediately turned towards the voice.

They were familiar.

You swore you had seen him before.

"Oh, hyung! Youre here," Taehyung exclaimed, setting down the last chair in the correct place, dusting his large hands off and slowly striding towards the shorter male.

"Unfortunately, yes," the black haired man responded, tucking the hand he used to open the cafe door into one of his black biker jacket's pockets. Tae just smiled before turning towards you and cocking his head to the side.

"Eunhae, this is Yoongi. Im sure youve seen him around," he informed, holding one of his arms out towards him. You parted your lips, giving a small wave as you then shone a polite smile at the newly introduced man.

"Nice to meet you," you calmly greeted him, resulting in him nodding his head in acknowledgment.

"Oh, the owner should be in the back room, she'll tell you what to do," Taehyung added, now whisking away back towards you. Yoongi just blinked a few times as he began to walk towards the back room.


"What do you mean there has to be two servers?"

The owner clicked her tongue, raising both her eyebrows subtly as she stuck her index finger up in front of her, ready to make a statement, "see, my cafe can get a little squashy, so there must be two servers at all costs. Besides, who wouldnt wanna wear this totally adorable uniform!" and with that, the older female picked up a rather..

interesting uniform.

It was.. quite honestly just a maid-like outfit; slightly high white socks, a black skirt almost fully covered with a white apron and a long sleeve matching black top.

The three of you stood there, dumbfounded.

"I wouldnt wanna," Yoongi shamelessly commented, raising his hand.

"I-I... h-have to wear that...?" you stuttered out, looking up at the lady which proudly nodded her head as a reply.

"Yes, yes. Isnt it adorable? and even adorable-er on you!" she mused happily. You felt your own face slightly heat up by that. But that couldnt compare

to how burning hot Taehyungs face became.

oh how dirty the blonde felt.. imagining your petite body bending over to serve to the customers in that sort if attire-

"Wait a second.. but you said there has to be two servers?" Yoongi suddenly spoke up, his arms crossed as he glared over at the owner. A small 'ah' left your lips in agreement. Was the owner also gonna serve?

"Exactly. Which is why... one of you boys have to wear it!"

good girl jjkWhere stories live. Discover now