- six !

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The silver haired male you hadnt seen all night finally showed up. But in the most worst way possible.

Jimins grip on your wrist was tight, if he was any tighter itd have to leave a bruise. Your eyebrows furrowed- slightly confused but you didnt want to protest.

"J-jimin, what are you doing?" You stuttered while the two of you passed by other drunk people that just hung around the hallways. Then- the silver haired male stopped in front of a door. Your heartbeat then increased rapidly as he opened the door with a small click.

"A-answer me."

But still nothing. Quickly he harshly shoved you inside the room and then closed the door with one of his slender legs. You gulped, staring up at him like a lost puppy, which he must have found cute since he smirked a little.
"Oh, Eunhae~" he cooed, eyes not looking away from you for a single second.

A whimper escaped your mouth as Jimin pushed you against the bed behind where you were standing, "ah! G-get off me- please!"

His pink lips came in contact with your neck, sending you squirming already. Nothing like this had ever happened to you before so you barely knew how to react. Jimin hummed in satisfaction, liking your body's reaction.

"Stop- i beg you," you breathed out, closing your eyes with furrowed eyebrows as his lips trailed down your supple skin. He held both your wrists above your head with one hand before he placed a hand in between your thighs and spread them slightly.

"Dont act like you dont like it," the taller male whispered before he stood up straight again, moving his lower torso in between your legs, leaving you to widen your eyes as you felt a sudden friction. It was nothing youd felt before- which you were a little embarrassed about but not in this situation. A million thoughts flood your mind as he gazed down at you with nothing but lust looming in his dark eyes.

You needed to get out.

And quickly before anything worse happens.

But you were defenceless against Jimin. He was the one in control here- not you.

"Let me go!" You raised your voice, thrashing around to get his grip off your now reddened wrists. Jimin just shook his head, still smirking as he then slowly unbuttoned his white, long sleeved shirt. He threw it off with his free hand before he moved to ride your skirt up slightly, "a-ah! No! What are you doing! Dont l-look there-!"

"Youre so adorable, Eunhae. I just- cant help myself~"

You couldnt understand why he was doing this. You shook your head profusely as he moved backwards and began to peck up one of your thighs. A small shaky breath left your lips, along with some small whines.

One kiss, "n-no..."

Two kisses, "please! Dont go a-any further-! Ah-!"

Three kisses, "listen to m-me!"

With a loud 'tsk', Jimin withdrew and looked up at you, displayed in front of him. He squinted his eyes in thought, his hands making its way towards your white shirt now. His fingers lightly brushed past your collarbone and to one of your shirts buttons, beginning to unbutton them delicately. You squirmed around even more, profusely shaking your head as you laid your hands on his bare chest and attempted to shove him away. He only clicked his tongue before shaking his head with a smirk, "wow, Eunhae. I didnt know you wanted to touch me like that."

As soon as he unbuttoned the last button of yours, you felt the sudden coldness of the air on your half bare chest, "please dont look..."

"Why would i not want to~ youre so beautiful," Jimin muttered under his breath before he unclipped your bra and threw it to the side.

There you were.

Nothing on your upper body with a male hovered over you, checking you out very obviously.

"Why are you doing this!"

"Simply because i love you, too much," he chuckled as he pressed his lips against one of your breasts and licked the supple skin gently, "I know you arent that innocent. Let me hear those sinful noises youve always wanted me to hear~"

"You l-love me? If thats truly the case- why are you taking me against my own will!" you screamed, eyes squeezed closed, "youre a liar! Dont act like im stupid! I know what youre doing! Just because i-i act nice doesnt mean i have to get taken advantage of! You think just because i cant fight back you can do whatever you want with me! Its not right!" Tears soon streamed down your now pink face before you heard the door swing open.

It was like

a bright light was shone onto this once dim room.

It was Taehyung.

His face was pure shock from the scene in front of him. Then. It turned into a face youd never seen displayed on him. It was rage. Taehyung took a step forward before he balled up a fist and brutally punched Jimin off of you, sending him tumbling off the bed and hitting the cold wooden floor before. You locked eyes with the blonde before you covered yourself and began crying louder. He slowly walked towards you, a sympathetic expression on his face as he placed a hand on your exposed shoulder, sitting on the end of the bed.

Taehyung noticed how you flinched by his touch.

"E-eunhae. Im so... sorry. I shouldnt have left you a-alone i-" you threw your arms around his neck, causing him to cut off.

"Please! Can i go home! Now! I need to go!" You yelled through your tears, burying your face in his chest and wetting his tiger gucci jacket. Taehyung pouted, leaning forward to pick up your white shirt from the floor and passing it to you with a small tint on his cheeks.

"Ill drive you home... just- put your shirt on before i do it for you," he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as you took the shirt from him and wiped your tears, sniffling as you looked down at it in your hands. You pulled away from him before you slid it on, buttoning the buttons up again. Taehyung just watched you, his jaw hung open from your shamelessness.

"A-alright, lets get you out of here," Taehyung gulped, gently helping you stand up with him while keeping an eye on Jimin. You held onto him tightly, sniffling every so often as you left the room with him, "shh, youre okay. Take your time."

The two of you walked past other drunk people that still hung around the hallways, passing by a certain dark haired male that eyed you closely with taehyung before he threw the cigarette he was smoking to the floor and trudged towards the room you had just left, pulling up his shirts sleeves.

"W-what are you doing? Cant you stay here with me," Soojin whined, back hugging the male to stop him from going anywhere. He simply removed her arms around him and entered the room.


"...so, how did you find me exactly?" you asked, playing with your fingers. You were sitting in the passengers seat in Taehyung's black car as he was driving. He furrowed his eyebrows as he answered.

"Jungkook said he saw Jimin and you escape somewhere along that hallway and i heard you screaming so... i came running at your aid," he replied softly, his eyes still looking on the road in front. You nodded your head.

"Thank you... so much," a small shiver crept up your shoulders, causing you to let out a shaky breath, "but why."

"Why did he do that?!"

Tae's gaze suddenly darkened. He huffed his cheeks before looking towards you, "because that's the kind of person he is. Just because he cant keep on his damn pants- ugh. Forget it."

"Just, never leave me again. Okay?"


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