Chapter 3

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My alarm goes of at six thrirty. Nothing interesting just the little annoying beep,beep,beep.  I get up and walk down the hall to my bathroom and splash some cold water in my face usually, I look into the mirror but this morning I wish I didn't, It reminded me of what happend last night. I didnt want to go to school. But I had to, Today was a big test in Bio. I proseded to get ready. I went down stairs and packed my lunch as well as eat some breakfast. I kissed my mom good by and started out the door. 

I got to school in about fifteen minutes. I saw some faces from last night and kept my head down so they wouldnt reconise me. I saw Alex right as he saw me which is always alittle awkward. 

Then I saw Clara and Maya. My two best friends, thier twins but hey thats double of which ever one I like best. I started walking over to them and right when they saw me the were by my side. 

"Julia, how where tryouts last night?" Clara and Maya asked

"They were teribble, everyone started making fun of me and I left early I didnt even touch a baseball." I tolled them

"OMG, gurl," Maya said ''Were they all boys, yeah I just hate when they do that they always under estimate you."

"I know and thats the problem" I said 

We went to our first period classes, which unfortunatly were different. And It was another long day, but this one was probably the longest day of my life. I kept seeing coach in the halls like he was looking for somebody. Then during English we were restudying conjunctions. And in walkes coach. He had a note in his hand and I asumed that is was for Brian. But he walked right past him, then It must be for Alex. But not Alex either. Then something crazy happened he walked right up to my desk and plased the note in front of me and gave me a pat on the sholder. I opened up the note and it said:


   I was watching you play baseball out at resses. It was quite good. I have been thinking and since you are so good we could definetly use you on our team. Please join us on the field at 6:oo to night.

                                                           -Coach Levi Jackson

P.S. The boys making fun of you are ban from the team for two weeks.

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