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It so happened to be that a human really had come across a dragon and a Viking. One that perhaps never ought to have seen such a sight in the first place. 

Y/N had taken a shortcut through the park that day, deciding to use the scenic route provided to relieve her mind of the troubling thoughts regarding her latest assignment. Her college professor had been more than a bit of an ass, expecting her to write out 2000 words worth of an essay discussing Norse Mythology in the space of a week. 

As if she had time for that along with studying for exams and work! Raking a hand through her hair, which had been just as neglected as her sleep had been for the past several months, she let out a drawn out sigh. Closing her eyes, she was about to banish those thoughts, with little success. When she opened them, however, a far crazier scene unfolded than the one in which she was threatened with death by essays just a half an hour ago or so. 

Lying on the grass, not so far from the path she had taken, there were two stranger forms shifting. It was clear that whatever they were, those creatures were alive. Narrowing her eyes, she felt as though her eyes were playing tricks on her. 

'Are those... scales...?' she pondered, growing tense. Reptiles generally did not grow that big this far North of the equator. 

Part of her was tempted to come closer, curiosity tugging at her, but a more sensible part of her was tempted to run. Alas, her body allowed her neither, forcing her to stand on the spot, stiffly, watching. A groan came out of the small, mammalian figure. They appeared human, judging by the clothes, the skin, the hair...

Yet, the clothes themselves...

They did not seem to be what most humans would wear these days. Centuries ago maybe. She frowned. Where had she seen similar designs? Celts? No... Indians? Skin was too light, and the clothes didn't quite fit that either. Vikings. Y/N took a step back. 

Was this some sort of cosplay event she hadn't heard about? 

If it was - she glanced around to check if she was even in the same park as she could have sworn she had been moments ago - then where were the other cosplayers? And why was there, alongside a Viking cosplayer a dragon?! 

Speaking of dragon, the creature's eyes opened and it was then that she knew this was no trick. No costume. Those eyes were very real, very serious. Reptilian. She shrieked, panicking, stumbling backwards and falling flat on her rear, before scrambling back up and stumbling some more, trying to get away from this. Perhaps this was all a hallucination. No, a nightmare. But even if it were, it was the most realistic nightmare she had ever stepped foot in. 

Her frantic scrambling was interrupted by a voice. If this had been a Viking, it was a shock to hear him speak English, but he did not seem to have a British or a US accent of any kind. It seemed more a mixture of Canadian and Scandinavian. 

"Whatever you do Bud... leave the talking to me," was the first thing he said, startling her. Then he turned to face her, though it was obviously quite painful for him to do so. 

Y/N flinched, sympathising with this stranger a little. 

"Who... are you?" she risked, halting her attempts to flee from the scene. 

The male seemed to blink, completely confused. It was clear he wanted to ask the same thing. There was a certain amount of shock overcoming his face as he observed her, seeming to take in her whole form, which made her flush a little because of the awkwardness. It was clear though that he was not admiring her looks. Judging by his own clothing, the more likely thing was that he was befuddled by the attire she now wore. 

"Hiccup," he answered hesitantly. 

Blinking owlishly, Y/N wondered if perhaps his understanding of English was limited. He'd spoken it so fluently when he said the line before this one, but, honestly? He could not have been genuinely called Hiccup. 

"Hiccup...?" she repeated after him, tilting her head to the side a little. 

The male nodded. Clearly he was being serious. "And you are?" he asked awkwardly, probably sensing her own discomfort. 

"Y/N," the woman answered honestly, deciding there was little harm in letting the stranger in on her first name. There were others in the world with her name - it wasn't like she was called Fish, or Chips. 

'Or Hiccup,' she thought for herself.

"Do you know where we are, Y/N?" he asked, with a slightly sheepish expression, and quite a bit of awkwardness in his voice. She frowned. Did he not know where he was? Surely he had travelled here. People do not just randomly appear in entirely different countries from where they had originally come from without any knowledge of their surroundings. Then again, most people did not have a giant lizard beside them either. 

"Country, state, town, or what part of town specifically...?" she chose to ask him instead, wondering if he could at least remember the country he had last been in. She hoped that United States, New York would be part of his answer. 

Unfortunately, that was not the case. 

"State?" he seemed baffled, if he had not even heard of the word. Chances were, he really was a man out of time, then. 

"State," Y/N nodded, patient. "You know, like New York. A state in the United States of Amarica, or U.S for short. Part of the continent of North America," she clarified for him, but this all seemed to confuse him further. 

"I... I don't think... I don't think I'm in the right place." 

"Or in the right time," the female suggested, laughing nervously. Hiccup did not seem to catch onto that, but it didn't really matter, since at least now she knew why this person was nothing like anyone she had ever met. What she did not know - and wasn't really sure she wanted to know - is how he, and that giant lizard, who was currently glaring her down with one eye, had gotten here. 

Hiccup nodded slowly. "You probably don't have dragons, do you?" 

When she shook her head, wondering why he even supposed they had dragons in America of all places - Wales was honestly a safer bet, they even had a dragon on their flag - he seemed to understand what her comment had meant. 

That did not seem to sit well with Toothless though, who squirmed a little at the thought of there being no more dragons. 

The Viking however, had seen it coming. Well, a small part of him that did not want to admit to such a thing had. "So, you probably have no way of helping us get out of here and back where we came from, either, right...?" he asked, desperation creeping into his voice. 

"No," she admitted. "But I do know of some place you could stay at for the time being..." she offered. Generally, she was not the type to trust strangers. She would not invite them to her home. Not knowing what New York could be like. Any part of it. For those two however, she could make an exception. Would make an exception. Had to, because something at the back of her head was pushing her to take a little pity on them. 

𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹, 𝓕𝓾𝓷 & 𝓕𝓵𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 | 𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓷Where stories live. Discover now