「Chapter Six」

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This chapter consists mainly of the past. Also, thanks for 100 hearts!! I'm happy that you like the story and you're adding it to your libraries. ^-^

Also, this chapter deals with two controversial topics. Please do not harass other people's opinions.

"My second girl?" Kuroba said as Kôzuke looked over to her husband, Kuroba after seeing the ultra sound.

"I don't think we're ready for another child actually.." Kuroba said as he gripped his wife's hand.

"Wait what-?!"

"Very well. Would you like me to schedule an appointment for abortion?" The doctor asked.

Kôzuke was shocked as Kuroba nodded his head. The doctor left the room as soon as it was scheduled.


"We need a boy to carry on our family name. Plus I only want two kids."

"You didn't even ask what I wanted!"

"What you say doesn't matter to me." Kuroba adjusted the sleeves to his expensive suit, "Come on, let's go check out."

Kôzuke furrowed her brows together, having no other choice but to follow her husband's order.

. . .

The day of the appointment arrived.

"I've told you already, I'm not going!" Kôzuke screamed, tears streaming down her face as Kana watched from behind a wall. "This is my first child! I don't want to just kill her!"

"Do you want our family to continue? Do you want everything we've worked for to just disappear?!" Kuroba snapped back. "Kana may not be your child, but she may as well be!"

"Please, Kuroba.. Please.. I can't do this.."

Kuroba only stared at his wife.

"We can have more kids.. Surely the next will be a boy! I just can't stand to do this, it's torture!"

Kuroba paused, "Then what will we do with the girl?" He signaled to her belly.

Kôzuke, desperate to not get the abortion, looked down at her bump, "Anything so that she doesn't die.. Just name it, Kuroba."

He crossed his arms, "I'm not going to care for the child as much as I do Kana. She'll have to do many things by herself and accept the fact that I will never be able to love this kid, because she'll be drawing extra money from me, extra energy as well. May as well cut it down."

"So.. we're going to somewhat neglect her?" Kôzuke picked at her lips anxiously.

"Yes. If you don't want that, then get in the car and we'll be on our way."

. . .

14 month old Y/n tapped frantically at her mouth, crying.

"T-That's all the food for you today, Y/n.." Kôzuke put the lid on the substance and put it away, making Y/n cry out.

Kuroba came storming into the room and glared at his infant daughter, "SHUT UP! Kana is trying to practice her singing and piano! Kôzuke, put her to bed."

"I'll get right to it, Kuroba.." Kôzuke removed a flailing Y/n from her highchair and rushed her to her crib.

Kuroba returned to the piano as 8 year old Kana sat with her arms crossed, "I know she's a baby, but she's always the center of attention now.. I thought you didn't want that for Y/n, Dad."

"I don't, but she's so.. needy. But don't worry. It won't stay like this."

. . .

An elegant piano piece as well as a beautiful, angelic voice rung throughout the L/n household.. Too bad Y/n could barely hear it.

Y/n sat with the birds, surrounding her as she stayed silent and somewhat upset. She crossed her arms, "I bet I could sing just as good as her!"

Once she started "singing" the birds flew away, and she groaned, "Come back, I know I'm bad!" Only one bird came back, a small blue one with a white pattern. It settled itself on her finger and she looked down to it. She simply continued to stare.

She heard small groans on the other side of the fence, as well as scrapping. She gasped with excitement and the bird flew away, "Katsuki!"

His spiky hair appeared as he jumped down the fence into her yard, "Hey Y/n! Wanna go on the trail with me?"

Y/n looked to the screen door, she watched Kana sing and play the piano as her father watched happily with his arms crossed, and her mother swayed with the rhythm as she held Kyoto, her one year old brother in her arms.

She had only met Katsuki recently at pre-school, even for her, as a 4 year old, it was hard to make friends. She was raised poorly, so her life seemed pretty reserved.

Kozuke caught Y/n's glance, and she ushered her to go with Katsuki.

. . . Present Time . . .

"You good now?" Katsuki asked as Y/n sat on his lap, wiping her tears.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm fine."

The doorknob turned, causing Katsuki and Y/n to go into a panic.

"What the hell is all the ruckus-"

Y/n quickly made her way to the floor and Katsuki pretended to be asleep.

Mitsuki shrugged and closed the door, causing Y/n and Katsuki to break out in laughter.

"Pussy, getting all scared like that, hah!" Katsuki snickered.

"Says you!"

Y/n smiled. She could always depend on Katsuki to make her feel better.

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