「Chapter Nine」

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[Short Chapter]

Katsuki sat in his dark room. After he had left, he didn't see Y/n again. He was too ashamed. He would probably text her that he was going early to school so he didn't have to bare an awkward silence walking with her.

He brought his palm up to his face and gripped his wrists, pressing his nails into his skin, "Why..? Why..? Why..?"

So many things ran through his mind. He heard a light knock on his door.

"Katsuki? You okay? What happened today?" She opened the door and her eyes softened as she looked at him, "How did the training go?"

"Terrible. I.. I hurt Y/n."

"Well isn't that part of the exercise?" Mitsuki ruffled her son's hair, "Come on, cheer up. I'm sure everyone got hurt."

"No, I mean-"

Mitsuki's phone rang. It was Kôzuke. She pat his hair and left the room, leaving the door open a crack.

Katsuki stayed in his position and listened in on the conversation.

"Severe burns?! No.. Katsuki isn't hurt at all." Pause. "Wait, you think Katsuki did that to her? I mean, he mentioned that he hurt her-" Mitsuki gasped, "Oh my gosh.." Pause. "Kôzuke, I am so sorry.. But you should ask her if it really was him. I didn't think my Katsuki would hurt Y/n, she's the most dearest thing to him.."

Katsuki couldn't listen anymore, and he threw a pillow at his door with so much force that it caused it to slam.

The words rung through his head.

"I saw your face when you realized Y/n was hurt, not me."

"I saw your face when you realized Y/n was hurt, not me."

"I saw your face when you realized Y/n was hurt, not me."

"I saw your face when you realized Y/n was hurt, not me."

"That doesn't mean I like her."

"That doesn't mean I like her."

"That doesn't mean I like her."

"That doesn't mean I like her."

Katsuki gripped his head and suddenly his mind was invaded with a new thought.

"Do I.. like her?"

You Drive Me Crazy ~Katsuki Bakugo x Reader~ [✔]Where stories live. Discover now