「Chapter Fifty Four」

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11 years ago

My eyes slowly opened, but were met with a gleaming light right to the face. I tried to move my hand, but it was strapped down.

"Now that she's woken up, we can begin the experiment!" An old and bald man with a large mustache practically ran around the room getting things.

I became scared, especially since my Father was in the room as well.

"When did her Quirk develop, sir?" The old man asked.

"Right on her fourth birthday, so a couple of weeks ago. She can create Pheromones of all sorts that can induce emotions. For now, she can only do happy and sad. Should be useful for some type of experiment. Get to work."

"Of course, sir."

"Father.." I called out.

I saw him stand still and look at me with a dead stare, but he turned around and left.

"Don't move, it's only going to hurt.. a lot." The old man smiled, "It's not like I'm gonna kill you."

I tried breaking free, as any other four year old would do, but the old man simply laughed at my efforts as he walked over to me with a scalpel.

"No!" I screamed.

"Stand still!" The old man yelled as he grabbed my wrist and used the blade to cut into my arm, blood spilling. I screamed and cried for help, for my mother, for my father- but no one came. He grabbed a flat glass surface and gathered my blood onto it, "Be quiet! I can't focus if you're screaming like that."

"N-No more!" I cried, trying not to look at my arm.

He put weak bandage around my arm so that the blood wouldn't get everywhere, and I continued to cry while the old man tested it, "Error?" He spun around in his chair and looked at me, he then left the room.

I looked around the room and thought to myself:

What would Katsuki do? He's so heroic.. I'm nothing like him.

I'm just... weak.

. . .

"Kuroba! What happened to Y/n's arm?!"

"I'm not sure. She must've tried climbing that tree again, or went with that Bakugo kid last night."

"Kuroba, she's four. She doesn't just sneak out! Why is it bandaged?!"

"Are you testing me?"

".. No. I'm sorry."

I looked down at my bandaged arm, recalling the events that had happened that previous night. Anything sharp unsettled me if I stared at it for too long, and I would not dare go near my father. I could hear Kyoto crying in the background from my parent's yelling.

Kana, my then 11 year old sister, came up behind me, "How did it feel? Did it hurt?" She grabbed my arm and eyed the bandaged.

"K-Kana!" I gasped, "Don't touch..!"

"Do you think Kyoto is next?"

My eyes widened, "I won't let father hurt him! I rather I get twice the amount than Kyoto getting any."

Kana squinted at me and let go of my arm, "That's awfully heroic." She bent down to my height, "Your Quirk is too weak to be a hero, so don't even think about it."

"But my friend, he-!"

"Probably has a way better Quirk than you. I mean, what can you do with yours? Make me sad? Make me happy with a little cloud?"

I clenched my fist, "The older I get, I'm sure I can do more than little feelings!"

"Believe it all you want.." Kana waved her hand and started to walk away, "You'll become some rat on the street, people with weak Quirks aren't made for this world."

. . .

"Experiment number sixty three. This will be the final trial until deemed unsuccessful."

I stared into the light, my hands unbound. This had been the 63rd time being here, being cut into.. being experimented on. I didn't know why, I didn't understand it. Why had my father put me here?! I reached my hand toward the light, as if pleading.. Pleading for someone to just come and save me already.. but no one came.

The experiment was to make emotion inducing bombs, particularly controlling ones which I had been able to create while being trained by random people I didn't know- but the blood they extracted always came up as an error.

I don't know how much blood I had lost, but I was never ill because of it. Once, maybe twice a week, I was brought here. I don't get numbed at all.. I was only 5. I had been doing these for a year now.

"What's the next experiment if this fails?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

I blocked it out, not wanting to know. I just hoped I wasn't the subject once again, but I knew that I was the only one that they wouldn't kill. I didn't want to die. The old man walked over with a needle, and I felt my heart start to race. And suddenly, my mind went blank.

"Father? Father?!" I cried out, as my vision suddenly faltered. I had been blindfolded.

"Stay still." The old man said.

"Where's my mother?"

"At your house."

"I can't see. I'm scared."

"Be quiet."

"I have to go take care of business. Remember not to kill her, you hear me?" I heard my father's voice, and then a door closing.

Voices paraded my mind. My vision was gone and I had no idea as to where I was. Why did my father do this to my? It doesn't make any sense!

A sudden though quick pain surged through my body and I let out an agonizing shriek.

"Tighten the straps!" A man's voice yelled and I felt my arms and legs stiffen.

"W-What the hell?!"


My body convulsed wildly as my blindfold burnt off my face as my eyes glowed gold. My hair started to float up from the energy being exerted from my body. My fingertips started to glow until my whole body became some type of golden entity.

"This isn't part of the experiment! What's going on?!"

. . .

"You must believe me, sir! We saw it with our own eyes..!"

"I don't believe you. Quit talking about it and get back to work."

. . .

Y/n stared at her hand as she lay on her back, "I wonder.." She mumbled, ".. if one of those experiments actually worked.."

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