Katsuki ran out of the penthouse with a giant bag and a yoga ball in his arms as Y/n waited by the front door. He quickly put the stuff in the car and then ran back and helped Y/n get in.
Y/n gripped onto the seat handle, "How long until we get to the hospital?!"
"I don't know! Probably about five minutes!"
That was the longest five minutes of Y/n's life.
Once they finally arrived at the hospital, they rushed inside.
"M-My wife is in labor..!" Katsuki panted as the bag and yoga ball were in his hands.
The nurses got them to a room and Y/n into a medical gown. She laid on the bed, trying to control her breathing.
Katsuki was on the phone with Y/n's mom, frantically telling her to get to the hospital and to bring Kyoto with her. He then got on the phone with his own parents, yelling at them to get to the hospital too in a couple hours.
She was hooked up to a bunch of things and Katsuki turned off his phone and looked at her.
"Why are you acting so crazy..?" Y/n laughed to herself.
Katsuki shook his head with a small, "I can't act calm about this!"
Y/n pointed to the tags, "Write the.. Write the names on the thing..?"
"Yeah, yeah." Katsuki quickly rushed to write the names of the twin boys.
The nurse knocked on the door and entered the room.
"The contractions were bearable earlier, but now they're completely like nothing I've felt before.. I was having them about all day." Y/n said. They put something on her stomach which allowed the heartbeats of the two boys to be heard.
"I'm just gonna take your temperature, it'll go right in your ear.." The nurse said.
Katsuki was looking around confused.
"This monitor will show you when you're having contractions.. And this one is the baby's heart rate."
. . .
Hours had passed, and news had come in that Y/n was officially over 5 centimeters dilated, which got them in the Delivery Room.
Y/n smiled as she let out a shaky breath, "Today is the day.. That we're having our first kids..!"
Katsuki grinned, "I can't wait.." He shook his head, "This is going to be insane.. What do you think they're gonna look like?"
"We didn't get to see what they looked like.. But I hope they're identical~"
Katsuki raised a brow, "And you're gonna be able to tell them apart?"
"Of course I will be able to! They're our little babies..!" Y/n giggled to herself as Katsuki smiled at her.
The nurse came in, saying that the epidural was ready.
The second most thing that Y/n was dreading besides the birth.. That large ass needle.
Unfortunately, they had to take Katsuki out of the room while they would be doing it.
He stroked her hand, "You got this. Our parents and Kyoto are coming pretty soon. I called them when we first got here."
"Thank you.." Y/n gripped his hand, "Wish me luck. I hate needles.. Oh, and, can you text everyone else too? You know, like my friends and then Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero?"
"Yeah, I got it babe-!" Katsuki was pushed out of the room.
. . .
The epidural would take about half an hour, so Katsuki used that time to reach their friends with the news. He didn't know how hard it would be to watch Y/n in pain like that.

You Drive Me Crazy ~Katsuki Bakugo x Reader~ [✔]
RomanceEnergetic U.A. Student, Y/n L/n, makes her grand debut into the world of heroes with her friend, Katsuki Bakugo. As childhood friends, they've unconsciously grown close, despite them being almost polar opposites. They've worked together through most...