「Chapter Sixty Two」

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It was a dreary day despite the sunny weather.

Not once did Y/n think she'd be attending her younger brother's funeral, and yet, here she was. She had already said her eulogy with tears, and everyone was going around and giving their condolences.

Katsuki made sure to stand next to Y/n just in case she needed him. The two sat on a bench under a tree together. She gripped onto her black dress as she looked around. Family and friends started to leave.

"Kyoto used to tell me that he wanted to start a perfume company of sorts." Y/n smiled, "He said he wanted to learn to make lavender smells, that's why we put them up for the decoration."

"That kid has big dreams."

"Yeah.." Y/n stared at the purple flowers.

Then it hit her.

Purple flowers.

"Katsuki." Y/n stood up, "During the Sports Festival, you had that purple flower. Where'd you get it?"

"I found a stray bush while mountain climbing, and I don't know how, but it was in my hand somehow. Why?"

"Pack your bags, we're going on a little trip."

. . .

"You're related to a dragon?!"

"In simpler terms, yes."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me, idiot?!"

"Because the Dragon is gonna kill me if I do! Hopefully since I'm a direct descendant.. She'll have some ease on me."

"And we're in the mountains now because there's a purple flower with magical properties?"

"Yes! My great.. great.. great.. great.. and so on, grandfather traveled to these mountains around a thousand years ago in search for this flower to heal his parents. But the Dragon said that if he were to bring it to them, then he'd have to stay with her in the cave since she was lonely. He ended up leaving the flower there and it was supposed to heal a disease that village called the Golden Touch, which is what every female in my family had except for my mother."

"But if I found a bush full of them then-?"

"Clearly it was a mutation flower of some sorts, since the flower is supposed to heal the Golden Touch altogether." She stopped and looked at Katsuki, "This flower can bring people back to life! I can bring Kyoto back..!" She continued walking.

"We've been hiking for three hours- Do you know where this cave is?"

"I think so. When I would train late at night I'd see a golden streak through the sky and it would go around here. I think that golden streak was the dragon."

Katsuki gulped, "Are you.. Are you saying there's going to be a dragon in there?!"

She shrugged, "Probably."

"Stop acting so nonchalant about it!"

"What? You don't want to see a real dragon?"

"The only thing I've seen like that is Ryukyu.."

"This dragon is.." Y/n stretched out her arms above her head, ".. way bigger than Ryukyu!"

Katsuki smiled at her as he put his hands in his pocket, "Eh? What's that?"

Y/n turned around as the two stopped and saw a cave.

Her heart started to race, "I think.. I think this is it..!"

The two walked into the cave. It was just like how it was described in the story. It was like heaven on earth!

"What the hell?!"

Y/n turned around to see the Dragon in her human form smelling Katsuki. Even though she's a mythical being, she had a negative feeling watching a naked woman smell Katsuki.

"You must be Katsuki, right?"

"How does this crazy woman know my name?!"

"That's the Dragon."

The Dragon got off of Katsuki and went by the purple flower, "I assume you're looking for this, young ones?"

"Y-Yes! But, what's the price?"

"Price?" Katsuki walked up next to Y/n.

"Name it and I'll do it." She said.

"To get the flower you so desire, find out who was your spyer." The Dragon cleared her throat, "Apologies.. My rhymes are bad since no one has been here for centuries."

"My spyer?" Y/n hesitated.

"I think I might know." Katsuki said as he grabbed his phone, "For two days, I got text messages from someone. They were breaking into your room and watching you from a window."

Y/n froze, "And you never thought to tell me!?"

"It stopped after a while."

"When you find out who it is, you must kill them."

The two friends looked at each other and froze.

"But who would spy on me?"

Katsuki looked at her with a dumbfounded gaze, "Kuro. Who else?"

"But he's already dead!"

The Dragon and Katsuki froze.

"One of the villains killed him."

The Dragon smiled, "Then the flower is yours."

"It feels too easy.." Y/n watched as the Dragon disappeared into the cave. She grabbed the flower from the center as it started to glow in her hands.

The cave's opening collapsed.

"I knew it!" Y/n groaned.

Katsuki yelled as he tried to explode the rocks that had trapped them inside.

"It's no use, Katsuki. Ah, great.."

The cave became dark except for the light emanating from the flower.

"Escape from this cave or meet your grave."

Y/n walked over to Katsuki as she looked around, "Escape this cave or meet your grave.."

"Grave?" Katsuki looked around, "Should we try to find an opening in the ground?"

Y/n blinked as she looked at him, "Smart..!" The two started to walk around, "You know, you call people a nerd and yet you go to bed at a decent time and get good grades."

"I'm not a nerd!"

"Are you sure about t-" Y/n screamed as she fell into a pit under the cave.


"I'm alright!" She said, "Wait.. There's another cave down here! I think this could be the way!"

Katsuki jumped down.

"Activate the lights, not within your sights."

The light from the flower faded.

Katsuki formed an explosion in his hand, but as soon as he did, it faded away, "What the hell is this?!"

Y/n tried to form it with her fingertips, but it faded away too, "Some sort of spell. She said we have to activate the lights, but we can't see it..?"

The Dragon's eyes were visible at the end of the cave, except this time, she was in her true form.

"Holy shit..!" Katsuki gasped.

"The fire of testing. Pass and you can save Kyoto L/n."


"Y/n.." Katsuki reached for Y/n's hand. She gripped his.

The Dragon opened her mouth as fire blasted towards them. Katsuki and Y/n clung onto each other. She dug her face into his chest as he did the same to her shoulder.

"You better be worthy!" Katsuki yelled.

"You too, jackass!"

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