「Chapter Twenty Five」

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"I thought we were going out to dinner." Katsuki said with his hands in his pockets.

"We are! It doesn't hurt to walk around."

Katsuki whispered, "And why did your little brother have to tag along?"

"Because I needed some comic relief! Lunch with Kuro was.. certainly interesting.."

"Have you even figured out his Quirk yet?"

"After lunch.. I think I have a good idea of what it might be.." Y/n looked away in embarrassment.

"Hey! Don't look like that! What's his Quirk?" Katsuki said with a look of disapproval and surprise.

"Can you guys quit flirting over there? I'm hungry!"

"We're walking there right now!" Y/n said as she called out to Kyoto.

Katsuki tugged on Y/n's ear, "What the hell happened?"

"Well.." Y/n's face turned red as she recalled what had happened prior to present time.

. . .

"I'll have the same as her, thank you." Kuro smiled at the waitress as he handed her the menus. He put his attention back to Y/n, and she barely caught a pink glint shining over his eyes.

The sudden color change of his eyes caught her off guard, causing her to jump and hit the table with her legs.

"Whoa, you okay?" Kuro tilted his head with an distinguishable smirk on his face. "Everything alright?"

Y/n folded her hands and placed them in between her closed thighs and nodded as she averted his gaze, "Y-Yeah.. I don't know what went inside me there.. I-I mean what got into me!!" She held her hand over her mouth, suddenly aghast at her choice of words. Kuro blinked.


"Sorry!" Y/n tried to laugh it off, "So.. Have you been here before?"

"My first time actually." Kuro took a sip of his water.

"Just how many first times have you had?"

Kuro choked on his water as Y/n once again became embarrassed at what she said.

He covered his mouth with a napkin, "I-I'm sorry, what? What do you mean by first times?" Kuro paused, "Do you mean like.. kissing.. sex..?!"

Y/n looked bewildered, but found herself nodding, "Mm-hmm! I've never kissed anyone and I'm a virgin. I mean, I'm a bit too young to be doing much of any of that."

Kuro blinked multiple times, "Oh my. Did I.. use my Quirk on you?"



Kuro Ito

Age: 15

Occupation: Student & Waiter

Quirk: Staring Seduction


"Wait.. I thought your Quirk was a paralyzing kiss?!"

"That's what I thought.. But I guess I was wrong." Kuro rubbed the back of his neck.

"Didn't you ever go to a Quirk counselor?"

Kuro shrugged, "Say you're not..? How much did I use my Quirk on you?"

"Obviously quite a bit..!" Y/n quickly shut up as the waitress put down the food and then left, "Because I never felt like this before!"

"You sure it has something to do with my Quirk?" Kuro playfully winked.

"Don't you even start!" Y/n laughed and then paused, ".. I'm gonna head to the restroom real quick."

She ran into the stall and tried to maintain her composure. His Quirk was.. certainly unique. She had the ability to use a similar pheromone, but to his extent..?!

No doubt, Y/n was a bit uncomfortable, but it was certainly an addictive feeling. She quickly emitted a pheromone to help her calm down and continued her lunch with Kuro soon after.

. . .

"Let's just say.." Y/n thought of how to tell Katsuki, "His Quirk is not what I thought it was- or knew."

"You knew?!"

"Oh come on." Y/n clicked her tongue as she lead the two boys into the restaurant and got seated.

. . .

"Put the cash down!"

"No, you!"

"I insist." Katsuki gave a sarcastic smile towards Y/n as he put the money on the check.

"No, I insist." Y/n took the money and gave it back to Katsuki as she put her debit card on the check.

"Get over yourselves. If you're not gonna have the money, give it to me!" Kyoto shook his head.

"No!" Both Katsuki and Y/n said in unison.

"Then why don't you guys split it?"

The two friends looked at each other.

"Fine." Y/n said, "I'll cover the tip too."

"Then I'll pay for dessert at the ice cream shop." Katsuki said as they finally came to an agreement.

"Finally, gosh." Kyoto laughed.

. . .


"Stay still! You have something in your teeth!"

With sudden instinct, Katsuki lightly bit down on her finger, causing everyone to freeze.

"You kinky fuck!" Kyoto laughed.

"L-Language..!" Y/n said and Katsuki's face was red.

. . .

"You can use your thumb you baby." Katsuki shook his head with a playful smile.

"Feed me~!" Y/n whined as she opened her mouth.

"Kinky fucks..." Kyoto shook his head as he took a bite of his ice cream. He sighed, "Come on, don't you losers have school tomorrow?"

"So do you, don't even start kid." Katsuki said as he shoved the spoon in Y/n's mouth.

She laughed as she wiped her lips, "Yeah come on, we should get heading back."

Katsuki fell behind to Kyoto as he leaned down and slipped him a five dollar bill.

"Thanks kid."

You Drive Me Crazy ~Katsuki Bakugo x Reader~ [✔]Where stories live. Discover now