「Chapter Thirty Six」

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Kirishima and Sero laughed uncontrollably as they teased Katsuki.

"Seriously?! Seriously, Bakugo?"

Katsuki trembled with anger, "Stop laughing! My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it! Hey, stop laughing! I'll kill you!"

"Morning, Deku." Y/n waved to Izuku with a smile as he gave a small wave back.

Katsuki's hair exploded back to it's style once again as he gritted his fist, "What the hell was that?!"

Kirishima and Sero continued to laugh even harder.

"It's back!"

Y/n made her way over to Mina and Jiro.

"Wow! The both of you even got to fight villains? I'm so jealous!"

Y/n and Jiro smiled at each other due to their similar situations.

"I didn't do any actual fighting though." Jiro twirled her earphone jacks.

"Yeah, same here." Y/n rubbed the back of her neck.

"All I did was train and go on patrols, too." Tsuyu tapped her chin, "There was just one time when we caught smugglers from a neighboring country."

The other 3 girls looked at her shocked, "That's crazy!"

"How about you Ochaco?" Y/n asked, but they were all stunned at her aura.

"It was very worthwhile.." She started to punch the air.

"Ochaco's awakened, huh?" Tsuyu commented.

"You know if you wanted to Ochaco, you could've asked me for that type of training. After all, he is my uncle.."

"What?!" Ochaco froze with her mouth agape.

"Gunhead is your uncle?"

"Technically yeah, but not related. She's my aunt's husband and he trained me since I was little." Y/n stood up and got in a playful fighting position, "You and me should spar some time, Ochaco." Y/n chuckled as a dark aura surrounded her form, almost scaring off her now frazzled friend.

"N-No thanks..!"

"That's a huge change for just one week..." Kaminari said with his hands on Mineta's desk.

Mineta was caught up in looking at Y/n, "Yes.. Y/n's ass has certainly gotten bigger! Her skirt has gotten smaller, and her underwear just might be visible if I take a closer look... I feel as if I can see the muscle from her-" He caught himself, "No! Women are all demons." Mineta started to bite furiously at his finger nail, "They're just hiding their personalities."

"What did you see at Mt. Lady's place?!" Kaminari gasped, snapping Mineta out of it, "I was kind of fawned over and had a good time. But the ones who changed the most, or at least went through the most, is those five."

Everyone directed their attention towards Katsuki, Y/n, Todoroki, Izuku, and Iida.

"Oh yeah! The hero killer!" Sero said as his collar was being held by Katsuki.

Kirishima's color was in his other hand, "I'm glad you guys made it out alive, seriously! You too, Bakugo."

"Tch. I was barely part of it."

"I was worried." Yaoyorozu said.

"I heard Endeavor saved you, right?" Sato asked.

"That's amazing! As expected from the number two hero." Toru mentioned.

Todoroki looked down at his desk, "Yeah. He saved us."

"Mhm.." Y/n hugged her torso reassuringly.

You Drive Me Crazy ~Katsuki Bakugo x Reader~ [✔]Where stories live. Discover now