𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 11 🔪💉

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While liam and i were still talking about what i just said, gabbie came towards us, mad.

'What the fuck did you just did to maddie, she was literally crying, you ugly bitch'.

Liam and i started to laugh so hard.

'ITS NOT FUNNY YOU PSYCHOPATH'. Gabbie shouted. Liam and i were perplex. We stopped laughing, and stared at gabbie.

'Okay, listen, i don't know who the actual fuck you are. But please, please never talk to my friend again, because if you will, i'll hurt you, and i'm able to do that, believe me.' Liam said, he was being calm, but the demon also took over him.

I was still surprised about liam. What he said was so me.

'Friend? Amelie doesn't have friends, she never had. And also, nobody can force me what i can do or can't do. So shut up'. Gabbie said, she was angry, you could hear it.

'Oh are you sure about that?' He said, also angry. He was going to do something, but i didn't know what. So i needed to stop him, and her.

And my power was to calm down liam, immediately, so that's what i did. But not what i wanted. I wanted liam to hurt gabbie but it would destroy his life, like mine already was.

I was putting a hand on his shoulder and told him to calm down a little bit, because it could go wrong. And it worked.

But gabbie was still standing there, mad. I didn't know what to do so i just walked away, grabbed liam's arm, and took him with me.

'I could've just hurt her, like i said'.

'No, it could've destroyed your life'.

'So what? It already is. I just wanted to help you'.

He was so nice, but so scary. He had two sides, also like me. I wanted to ask how his life was destroyed, but i could make him sad, so i didn't. I just looked down and ignored him.

'Should we go to a movie or something?' He asked.

'Sure, why not'.

We were walking to the cinema in oakville, almost next to our school. I hated that cinema, bratt and i went to it with our first day.

'What's wrong? You hate movies?'

'No, i love movies, but it's just, uh- well- bratt and i went to the cinema with our first date, so i actually hate this cinema'.

I didn't like talking about the past, about bratt. I just hated him so much.

'It's ok, i also hate the place my ex and i went to with our first date'.

He did get me.

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