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Kinsley was sitting in her car outside of Max's house, waiting for the small redhead to join her

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Kinsley was sitting in her car outside of Max's house, waiting for the small redhead to join her. This morning she had been tasked with picking Max up and driving her to school, alone. Just as Dustin had specifically requested. When Max gets into the car, she is immediately questioned, "What are you two up to?"

She leans back in her seat, her hair is flowing over her shoulders, she is wearing her red jacket and yellow shorts.

"Drive and I'll explain on the way," she says bluntly only flicking her eyes over to me for a second. "I need to talk to you."

"I had assumed so," Kinsley smiles at her. She places her elbow by the window and holds her head in her hand, she huffs and stares at the houses passing by. "Has this got something to do with Billy by any chance?"

She whispers a quiet, "Yeah," and then continues at her usual volume. "I've always wanted an older brother, ever since I could remember and when I got Billy, I was excited. So excited."

They sit in silence, waiting for her t continue talking. The car turns a corner early, Kinsley deciding to take a longer route than usual. "I was disappointed and angry when that asshole didn't want me back. He treated me like shit. As he got older I think he started to care a little bit. I knew he cared a little bit with the way he was manipulatively protective over me either that or he was just looking out for his own ass. But-"

She pauses for a second, "-but now somethings changed since your conversation with him."

"A good change." She states, looking over at Kinsley. "He's been nicer. Ever since you dropped me home that night, I mean he asked me if I had a good time with you. He never-"

She breathes out, looking at her hands making circle gestures - not knowing what to say, she is still confused by the situation, "He would never ask me about myself or how I was. Until you talked to him. I'm positive it was you."

She looks out the window as she finishes her sentence and the stops outside of the school.

"He hasn't brought home any girls. He hasn't gone out to. For like a whole week, since you yelled at him. He's been telling me things, talking to me and asking for my help," she looks down, shifting in her seat, "I'm probably not supposed to tell you this-"

"Go on, I won't tell anyone." Kinsley's curiosity grew the more Max talked and she had known, deep down, the more Billy tried the harder it would be for her to reject him. But now, knowing he might- never mind!

She smiles and speaks quickly, closing her eyes, "Billy is-paningotakigagironadtetongtandhewassupernerousndhesmngehlmkehihtcocolaeorhe -date."

As she finishes, she opens her eyes to a blank, confused face and laughs. "You are going to have to say that slightly slower if you want me to understand!"

She sighs, smiling, "Billy is planning on taking a girl on a date tonight. He was super-duper nervous! Rambling to me last night about her and he even promised me complaint-free rides to the arcade if I help him make hot chocolate for him."

She sighs again, turning her body and crossing her legs on the seat. She makes begging, puppy dog eyes and places the palms of her hands together, intertwining her fingers. "I need you to say yes when Billy asks. He's being the brother I've always wanted and I can't have it stop now. Please."

"You don't know it's going to b-" Max raises her hand to stop her, "It's you, it's definitely you. There is no one else it can be. Please!"

I sigh, "Okay. I will but I won't enjoy it!"

She giggles. The school bell rings and both of their faces drop.



Kinsley walks into class, mumbling an apology for being late and looking up to see the only available seat is next to a very smily Billy. Who had been shoo-ing people from the seat all morning. She sits down making an effort to avoid eye contact with the handsome boy, placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands. Her eyes are drawn to something being slid onto her desk, lookin down to see Billy's handwriting on a slip of paper.

'Why were you late? x'

Getting out a pen, she starts writing.

"I was talking to Max - some school work problem'

She passes it back to him, he looks confused but then continues writing, the little piece of paper was passed back and forth throughout the class.

'Did you sort it out? x'

'Yes, it was fine'

'That's good. I need to talk you after class. x'

'Okie dokie'

'I like what you're wearing today x'

'Thanks douche bag :)'

'You are very welcome gorgeous x'

'Why didn't you drop Max to school this morning?'

'She said she wanted you to. I wasn't gonna complain x'

'Oh okay'

'We still good to talk after class? x'

She looks up at him, he looks at her hopefully yet somewhat reluctantly. The bell rings and she nods. Grabbing her bag and walking out of class, she can feel him close behind, his eyes not leaving the back of her head. He places her back against a nearby wall and leans into her, his hand by her head. His eyes are soft and plead as he speaks, "Go on a date with me? Tonight. Please."

Kinsley taps a finger on her chin and makes an exaggerated 'thinking' face, scrunching her nose and pursing her lips. He smiles, chuckling slightly. She places her hand on his chest, pushing him away slightly and can feel his heartbeat racing, She looks up at him, crossing her arms.

"I have two conditions."

He pushes off the wall, straightening up and crossing his arms, "Name them."

"One," She places a solo finger in front of her face, "Be nicer to Max."

He nods. Easy.

"And two," She pops a second finger up, "No other girls."

He smiles.

"I see a girl under your arm, in your bed or connected to your lips. I'm gone, in all ways, shapes and forms except for your thoughts and regrets." Looking into his eyes, she tilts her chin down slightly, trying to read him. His eyes are soft, contrasting his harsh features and his usual haughty glare. Understanding.

He nods his head once, "Done."

Kinsley smiles and another idea materialises in her head. Tapping his shoulder, she speaks smugly, "Oh and you also have to apologise to Vicki."

Shit. He groans immediately, his head hanging backs.

"Do we have a deal?"

She raises her eyebrows and he looks back down at her, biting his lip, "Of course, baby."

"Don't call me baby and pick me up at eight. Max knows the address." I smile and walk past him.


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