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play before reading for an inclusive experience xp ^

Kinsley slams her hand down on the alarm sitting on the wooden side table, slowly rising out of bed and stumbling to look at herself in the mirror. She resembles a lion.

She picks out clothes and grabs a towel, going into the bathroom and running the shower before stepping into the warm water. She finishes washing her body and her hair and steps out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself.

As she brings a brush to her hair, there's a series of rhythmic taps on the door, "You realise we are taking Mike and Lucas as well today, right? We are going to be late if you don't hurry up!" She chuckles and dries her hair with a towel, "Alright, alright, I'm coming. If you're ready, go and wait in the car."


With Mike and Lucas in the back seat and Dustin in the front, they arrived at school and the constant chatter that filled the car stops. As Kinsley got out of the small car and the boys ran off to their school, a familiar car engine and loud music parks two spaces down. Max left the car hurriedly and Kinsley walks cautiously towards her, she smiles kindly and gives her a small wave, "You alright?"

Max huffs, places the skateboard in her hands down on the concrete and adjusts her backpack, "He's a dick," both of the girls look back towards the car to see the pretty blonde with a cigarette in his mouth, eyeing them both, "He's just so angry. All the time."

Kinsley drags her eyeline back to Max and ruffles up her hair as an idea appears in her head, "Hey, why don't I drive you home today?"

Max's face lights up and she runs back over to the pretty boy, he looks confused as if he's being played a trick on, then somewhat relieved as his harsh facials soften and then he simply nods agreeing with the idea. She runs back over, thanking Kinsley and going off to where the boys are standing with Will and a small girl with short curly brown hair.

Standing behind her is a tall man wearing a police chiefs uniform. He places a hand on her shoulder and they walk away from the group, a small smile creeps onto her face and waves goodbye to the boys while ignoring Max completely. Kinsley walks inside the school, feeling eyes on her the entire way from judgemental girls and over-excited boys.

She arrives at the principles office as she was instructed in the letter she received two days ago which was three paragraphs longer than it needed to be and she takes a seat once invited inside the bland room with pictures of past students and the principles personal life. After what felt like a never-ending conversation with the principle, a girl walks into the room and apologises for interrupting. Kinsley was grateful for her.

She is beautiful with long curled brown hair framing her face and a bright smile. Kinsley stands to meet her as the other girl places her hand out in front of her, "Hi, I'm Nancy." She takes her hand and shakes it politely, feeling oddly formal. Smiling she introduces herself simply, "Kinsley."

Nancy guides her around the school and talk casually as they go from place to place, "So, Dustin's had a sister this whole time and he had no idea you existed?" She looks shocked and confused which makes Kinsley chuckled slightly, "Yes, that's exactly right."

As they continue walking down the hallway Billy comes into view, he leans against the lockers as he plays an aggressive game of tongue hockey with a top-heavy blonde. "If I were you, I'd steer clear of him. I mean unless you're into that."

Nancy speaks as Kinsley drags her eyes away from the disturbing view. Nancy takes her to her first class which is English, she takes a seat next to a girl who introduces herself as Vicki.

Lunch comes around quickly and she invites Kinsley to sit with her. She started talking about a guy she had sex with and how they had a really good relationship, she described him as if he had the body of an athlete and the heart of a saint. Her other friends sitting there just rolled their eyes having heard this a million times. "So, what's his name?"

Kinsley was intrigued as her mind still wandered to the fact she's never truly fallen madly in love. She had always pushed people away before they could hurt her. No one had ever tried enough to see how long it would take before she stopped pushing and let them in. For once, she would actually like to give someone a chance and see what happened. "His name is Billy. He's just the sweetest, I'll point him out to you if I see him." Vicki said quietly, she nodded interested and smiled as she continued explaining how amazing he was.


The school bell finally rang and as Kinsley was walking out she heard someone call her name, it was Vicki. She stopped and waited for her to catch up, they walked together to her car. She made a sound of excitement which caught Kinsley's attention and pointed across the courtyard, to the light brunette with a smoke in one hand and a girl in the other.

"That's Billy!" she said with a bright smile on her face. "That's Billy?" Kinsley looks at her, her mouth wide open. "I know right! Isn't he hot?" She giggles excitedly.

"No no no-no-no. Do you realise he was making out with another girl this morning? Like very aggressive, sexual making out." There's silence and she only now seems to notice the girl latched onto his arm. "Oh. That's fine."

Kinsley stares at her in utter shock, "Are you being serious? No, it's not fine!" Vicki looks confused and she's starting to wonder if I should even bother with this girl.

"What am I supposed to do?" Huffing and thinking for a second, Kinsley speaks, "Go over and tell him you're not his play-thing or his trophy. Tell him."

She pouts, looks up at me and starts walking in his direction, "Come with me." Walking behind her as she storms up to him and Kinsley wonders what she's just started, hoping it goes well. "Billy, I need to talk to you." She huffs while Billy smirks.

"Go ahead."

"Well, I just came to tell you that if you think that I am going to be your play-thing or your trophy then you're wrong!" She raises her voice slightly but has a hint of sadness in her tone. Billy seems unfazed by the whole thing with the same cocky smirk on his face. "What's your name again?"

"Vicki." She speaks quietly hardly heard, her whole attempt of a tough act smashing with a simple question. "Listen, Vicki, there's been some sort of miscommunication between us. It was probably my fault but if you thought you were my play-thing or trophy, you're wrong. You're simply not good enough for that."

Her face drops and she runs past him, at this point, Kinsley blood is boiling. What gives him the right to treat people like shit? She thinks and looks behind her to see Dustin and Max waiting by her car, I better make this quick.

Kinsley steps forward, towards Billy and he looks her up and down, his brows furrowed. "What a nice guy you are!" She jokes with a sarcasm laced in her voice and printed on her face. His pink lips curve down as his full eyebrows press into each other more and his ocean blue eyes narrow, "Who are you?"

"What happened that made you feel so insecure that you have to piss on the feelings of girls to feel cool? Were you never validated as a child? Did mommy never compliment your drawings? Or did daddy never come to your sports games?" She breathes out, chuckling, "Or didn't you have hair on your dick in 7th grade and you got bullied for it?" Billy smirks and the boys surrounding him stifle laughs, "Not that it matters, you seriously have to get over yourself and start behaving like a human being. Stop walking around like you own the place. You don't."

Kinsley takes a second to breath, looking into his piercing eyes and taking in his shocked yet amused expression before turning and walking towards Dustin and Max. His eyes follow her the whole way, scanning her body figure and her clothing, wishing the flannel she was wearing didn't cover her butt. As she turns around to get in the car, they make eye contact and Kinsley's middle finger is throw up in his direction making his smirk widen.


shame. - billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now