Chapter 2

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-Later on in the day, lunchtime-

"Smiles! What's up bro?" a tall, brunette, boy named Max says sitting down next to Lucas at a lunch table.

"Nothing much," Lucas responds giving Max their secret handshake they made in first grade.

"What's up!," another brunette boy, named Corey, says happily joining Lucas and Max at the table.

"Hey guys!," Sabrina says sitting down at the table with two girls, Avery and Riley.

"The gang's all here," Lucas says excitingly throwing his left arm out to the side, knocking Max in the face.

Max sits there unamused by what just happened while everyone else laughs.

"What class does everyone have next?" Riley's soft voice asks.

"History with Mr. Fitzgerald," Corey answers.

"Same!," everyone else responds happily.

"This is awesome! The second to last class of the day we get to spend with each other," Avery says.

"Have you guys heard about the time traveling locker?," a boy with light brown hair says coming over to the groups table.

"No, but who are you?" Lucas asks the kid.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm Jet Richards. I moved here from Pennsylvania over the summer," the boy responds to Lucas.

"It's nice to meet you Jet. I'm Lucas Miles," Lucas says to Jet

"We call him Smiles. He just loves to smile, yah know," Max says.

Going around the table, Lucas introduces everyone to Jet.

"That's Max Parker, that's Avery Matthews, that's Riley Frost, that's Corey Cooper and lastly, that's Sabrina Anderson," Lucas says pointing to his friends.

"It's nice to meet all of you," Jet says with smile.

"So, Jet. Tell us about the time traveling locker would yah," Riley asks.

"Of course! I've heard, from my neighbors, that's there's a time traveling locker right outside of Mr. Fitzgerald's classroom. Whatever he is teaching that day, the locker travels to that place," Jet explains to the group.

"That's awesome! I mean, I've always wanted to time travel," Corey says.

"I'm glad that I have Mr. Fitz next period," Jet says happily.

""We all have him next period too," Sabrina says.

"Awesome. If you want, we could try out the locker after his class today," Jet asks curiously.

The group all looks at each other, knowing from everyone's expressions,

"Why not! I mean yolo right?" Avery says jumping out of her seat.

"Yes, and no one uses yolo anymore Avery," Max says.

Avery gives Max a weird look.

"Great! We'll go to the locker right after class," Jet says.

"Who's in with me?" Jet adds putting his hand in the middle of the group.

Everyone piles their hands on top of each others. Right as they break the pile of hands, the bell rings. All the other freshmen throw out their trash, grab their backpacks and head off the seventh period. The group, including Jet, walk together to Mr. Fitzgerald's room, whispering to each other about their plan for the locker later. 

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