your saviour has arrived

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Loki POV:

I was conversing with Thor about training strategies when my mind kept drifting to her... I wanted so badly to hear her words even just a  word would do.

 "...more physical training will increase your strength with overpowering your opponent, do you not agree?" Thor finished as I blinked back into reality "yes" I put in not really caring or focusing "Loki? are you alrigh-" loud clashing filled one of the halls nearby catching us both off guard. 

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP MUTT!" We heard a guard yell, and I stilled my rage boiling inside understanding exactly who they were yelling at.

"PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!"Another yelled and with that, I and Thor took off in search of the direction of yelling of guards. 

We charged around the corner, just in time to see her in the middle of guards circling her as she growled her ears pinned back bearing her sharp teeth out of panic and aggression. 

Her dress was gorgeous if it was not stained- Hold on-is that blood? I noticed the crimson seeping from her palms as it dripped down the floral and grey fabric and my eyes widened. I rushed over as she was hit hard in the head with the back of a spear. My blood boiled and my fists balled as she fell to the floor groaning from the impact. 

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?"I boomed causing all attention to fall to me, "My Prince, she had done harm to the queen!" One guard rushed the words out. I nearly blanched, she had harmed mother. 

"How so?!" I demanded to know more, surely it was not intentional "a scratch to the arm my prince" Another broke in "She's vicious!"  "should be locked up!" another called rioting. "ENOUGH!" Thor demanded loudly his voice bouncing off of the walls from beside me causing me to flinch at the overpowering sound, I nodded to him as thanks "Let her go" I demanded coldly.

"but my princ-" one started, "I said let.her.go" I sneered angrily my own fists clenched and knuckles going white ready to snap the ignorant custodian in two. 

They all began to back away and as she came into view on the floor, her hands drenched in crimson and bandages struggling to hold on to the fresh wounds.

 I quickly scooped her up and picked up my pace back to the healers without another word. Thor handled the guards as I took long strides to quickly get to my objective. 

I was furious, not only at her but at the guards as well. 

She harmed mother and I would be demanding to know the reason as soon as she is better, I glanced at her, concerned, as she groaned in agony and put her face into my leather armor on my chest limply. 

But my thoughts kept drifting to mother. As soon as I arrived to Eir I saw mother was being treated there as well, She looked up as Eir finished bandaging her forearm. "Loki my dear! is she alright?" she inquired quickly rushing over, applying a gentle hand against her forehead. "I am not sure, are you alright?" I questioned quickly yet unsurely.

"yes of course, please, get her to the bed!" Mother hurried over directing me to a nearby softer bed as the maiden lay limp in my arms turned her head to the other side uncomfortably so. 

I rushed over and placed her on a white bed which was a part of the infirmary as two other healers ran up and quickly tended to the gash left on the side of her head as another opened her palms peeling away the soaked bandages as I worked on her other hand. Mother glanced on with concern so I asked: "what happened?".

"she did not enjoy the topic of discussion on herself, I must have caused her to tip over the edge as she began to lose her temper with me, her claws into her palms. Seeing she was bleeding I gasped at the time but it only caused her to turn to leave when I grabbed her wrist to stop her she turned and caught my arm slightly my arm" She sniffed sorrowfully.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now