Blonde, Dumb and Bitchy

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I walk nervously into the admin office to collect my ID card and my new timetable.

"Good morning miss..."

"Vuratelli" I answer

"Thank you, is that Mexican?"

I giggle "No, it's Italian"

"Oh okay, here's your card and timetable"

"Thank you" I look at her then walk out the door. I take a look at my timetable and after role call I have yoga, then dance.

I keep my head in my timetable and don't realise that I just bashed into a locker door.

"Ouch!" I look up at this blue eyed blonde haired boy with a lip piercing. And glasses. A nerd with a lip piercing.

"Are you alright?" He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah I guess, I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention"

"It's alright, are you new here? I haven't seen you around before"

"Yeah, this is my first name is Katelina Vuratelli, but you can call me Lina" I give him my hand to shake and he takes it.

"I'm Luke Hemmings, but you can call me Luke" he smiles "is there anything I can help you with, like where things are? Or something like that?"

"Ummmm...if you could tell me were the yoga room is, that would be really appreciated" I smile politely

"So your a dancer!"

"And singer and actor, what about you?"

"Just singer and all things music" we stare at each other, eyes locked "oh the yoga room is just down this hall and the last door on the left, if you want you can sit with my friends and I at lunch?"

"That would be lovely, but I wouldn't want to intrude, mabye next time"

"No, that's fine it would be nice to have someone else sit with us" he has an amazing smile

"Are you sure?" He nods "okay then"

"Great i'll meet you at the cafeteria doors at the other end of the hall at lunch" he tells me and walks off with giving me a wink.

What a great start to my new day, I just met a cute boy and hopefully there are more to meet.

I get to my class ten minutes early so I can get a good seat. The teacher introduces herself to me and I introduce myself back.

"Please take a seat miss Lina, class will begin soon"

"Thank you Mrs Nallovski" I take a mat and get a spot in the second row right in the middle. Perfect.

The class begins to pile in and I see some girls walk through the door. Great they look like the ones who use to bully me back in Melbourne, blonde, dumb and bitchy. I hate girls who think they are better then others. You can just see it in how they walk, talk and act.

"Morning class, today we have a new student who just transferred here from Melbourne, please give her a warm welcome- Katelina could you please stand and introduce yourself to everyone"

Great, just bloody great. "Ahh ummm...hi everyone my name is Katelina Vuratelli, but you can just call me Lina, ahhhhh"

"Thank you, please take a seat"

I am enjoying this class more as it goes on, I forget about the other girls and just think about my yoga and Luke, Luke oh my he's amazing. I really want to meet his friends if they are anything like him it's going to be a whole lot easier to love this school.

Class is over before I know it and I look at my timetable to see which room I'm in.

"Lina!" A female voice calls out "hey, I'm Zefa, the admin lady told me that your in all my classes, so I'm here to help you find your way around the school"

"Ah okay, thanks so where are we going, this school is so much bigger and complicated then my old one"

"I know how you feel, I was a transfer from Cains, Dad had to move and brought me along" she looks upset telling me about her move

"When did it get easier?"

"Well let's see I transferred two years ago, so yesterday" she laughs so hard t my shocked expression on my face, but it's infectious "I'm joking, it took a few weeks to get my head around this, but it took a few months for me to know who's who, but that's where I will help you" she smiles

We walk to out dance class together, telling each other about ourselves, throwing in a few jokes. Well I achieved one goal, to make new friends.

"Here we are" she points to the open door of the dance studio

"Great" I sigh as I see those blonde bitches in the corner stretching. I know I shouldn't judge them before I have even met them, it's just that I haven't had a good past.

"What" she follows my gaze "ahh I see you haven't taking a liking in Brittany, Hayden and Nala"

"Well I don't like the vibe they let off, they just remind me of the girls at my old school that use to bully me"

"Well I can tell you now, stay away from them oh and if you meet a boy named Callum or Ashton stay away from them, Nala has them under a spell, they are like hers!! Some voodoo shit I think"

"Why?" I ask suddenly interested

"Because she needs to be the most liked person, the prettiest and the smartest girl in the school! She is so infuriating, Calum and Ashton were my best friends until she decided she wanted them...we haven't talked in eighteen months! They both hate her but they can't do anything since her 'Daddy'" she puts in air quotation marks "is the principal of the school"

"I'm just going to ignore them and pretend they are not there"

"Good idea"

We agree and smile at each other then take a spot on the bars to stretch before class starts.


I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, oh one thing I need to say is that I don't want you to think I'm a mean person-I don't have anything against blondes at all, I just wanted a stereotypical thing like that.

Hayden Panttiere plays Nala, pic on the side.

Xx stay fab

- Bella

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