Fear of the Unknown

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-I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, not that you guys really care. But I have been going through a kit an I'm stressed out heaps. Please enjoy, comment and cute xx ily all -

"Hey Baby Girl"my fathers voice booms through the phone

Memories, more like nightmares go through my mind. All those times he hit me. All those time he pushed me. All those time he swore at me and told me I was useless. All those times he said he hated me. And worst of all, all those times he tried to touch me.

"what do you want?" I spit out like venom

"I just wanted to hear your voice" I can imagine him smirk on the other side of the phone

"I'm busy. I never want to see you again. I never want to hear you again. I HATE YOU" I yell and hang up the phone

My heart skips a beat and I try to catch my breath. Did that just actually happen? My father is as good as dead to me. And I want it to stay that way. Then the realisation hit me, how did he get my number? If he has it, does this mean he could possibly have our address?

Questions running through my mind. And my head aches due to the fear of the unknown.
"What's wrong?" my brother runs in, worry dominant in his voice. I hadn't realised I had screamed.
"Umm..d-d-da..he-h-hhe" my breaths short and quick, I feel my heart pounding against my chest and my head was beginning to feel slightly light

"Spit it out Cat!" he rubs circles on my back trying to comfort me, but once again failing
I finally calm down. My heart slows to a normal pace and my head feels like it should. "Our dear father called"

His face in pure shock "Conrad! How? Why?" now his breaths become fast paced

"Just breathe...can we sit down" I point to the stairs

"Yeah...please explain" he asks, well more like demands

"Okay, so I answered it and he say hey, I thought it was a boy from school but the he said 'hi baby girl' and I freaked!! I simply told him off and hung up" my brother now has his head in his hands

"But how? we moved to different states, got new phones and numbers, new everything!! how the fu-"

"Wh-et i-is gooin o-oon?" my mothers leans against the wall and her words now definitely slurred

"Nothing mum, just go sit down. I'll be there in a minute" I say sweetly, but annoyed with my mother. I hate her awful habits

"Bb-bu-tt I hear-rd y-yell-in"

"Oh mum, that was just us arguing over who was doing the dishes" Jasper speaks slowly to her

"Okay" is all she says then walks back to the lounge room

"Thanks" I tell him and rest my head on his shoulder

"So, what are we going to do?" he asks

"I don't know, I just don't know"

"But you always know, you always know how to get us out if problems" his voice sounding slightly like a whining child's

"Jasper! I said I don't know, it doesn't mean we won't get through this" I am slightly annoyed with how little hope he has

"But what if he comes back...and you know..."

"Touches me, hurts me! You don't think I have thought about those things. I am so fucking scared" I feel a tear form at the corner of my eye and as it starts to roll down my cheek Jasper wipes it away "thank you"

"That's what big bros are for" he smile and helps me to stand

"I'm gonna get mum ready for bed, I'll see you in the morning" I turn around and start to walk away leaving my brother behind me

"Actually, I will. You need your sleep, you have school" he winks "go on" he grabs me hand and pulls me towards the stairs

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, please just get some rest"

"Your the best" I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and walk up the stairs towards my room

{Jasper's POV:}

"Come on mum, time to go to bed" I pull her up and then swing her over my shoulder. A heavy smell of alcohol fills the air surrounding us

I walk towards the stairs with mum on my shoulder and begin to walk up them and towards her room. As I pass Cat's room I hear light sniffles and crys from inside.

I debate in my head whether I should go in and see what's wrong or just let her cry. I choose to let her cry, I think she needs to just let it go. She is so strong. And everything just bottles up.

I place mum in her bed pulling the sheets back and then cover her. I give her a goodnight kiss and walk out of the room closing the door behind me.

Dylan McDermott plays Conrad, the father. Pic on the side.

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