The Call

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So hey...yeah havent updated in a long time. i havent been in a real good state of mind. im all good for now tho, please enjoy xx vote, commemt and share...pretty please xx pic of Drew Van Acker on the side

"How was your first day? Meet anyone?" Jasper nudges my shoulder with his elbow

"It was interesting, and yes I met some people, a girl named Zefa-she is my student mentor, she helps me out and shows me where my classes are, how was your day?"

"Good, I sat at home and played some halo and shit" what a shocker

"Of course you did" I roll my eyes

"Well sorry, there was nothing else to do-"

"I can name a very long list of things you could have done, like for starters clean your freakin room, it's worse then a pigs sty and looks as if a bomb of shit went off in there" and that's how out brother-sister fight starts and goes on all the way home

"Okay, okay you win" I smile in triumph "imsorry" he mumbles

"What'd you say?"

"You heard me"

"Actually I didn't"

"I said I'm sorry, your right I should start helping out more-do you think it would be a good idea to make dinner tonight?" He asks

"Of course Jasper, you don't know how much that would mean to mum" I lean over and give him a hug

"Okay you can get off me now" he says while laughing

"Do you feel alright?" I ask cause he never gives in an never agreed with me "it's just you don't seem your usual, shitty self" I wink

"Yeah, I just....well...I'm worried about mum that's all" he hurriedly gets out the car

"Hey! You know if there's anything you want to talk about I'm right here" I yell as he walks in side

"I know" the front door shuts behind him

That's was unusual. I am left there, by myself on my front lawn with millions of different things going through my mind. What just happened? This wasn't the usual Jasper, he seemed happier then usual but then he just changed instantly. Mood swings. Unless he is really a girl and got his periods. That would make so much sense. I smile at my stupid thoughts.

*three hours later*

I hear the door shut loudly and mum yelling at someone. I panic and run down stairs. As I walk towards the front entrance past the kitchen my nostrils are filled with a vile spell. Like burnt toast, who could possibly burn toast. Well, there is only one answer for that. Jasper.

"Just stay away from me you dick!" Mum yells out the window

I give Jasper a look of worry, not caring that he had burnt dinner. All he does is shrug his shoulders and smiles. Just standing there. What the actual-

"Honey, I need you to get me something to drink-something strong!" She grabs my shoulder tightly, barley able to stand up.

"Mum! I think you've had enough to drink" I say softly

"You don't tell me what to do, I am your mother, now go and get me something strong!" Her voice raising slightly

"Okay" I look at my feet and walk towards the drink cabinet

"What wrong?" Jasper asks

"I don't have a clue, but just getting her something to eat-and a bucket!"


"She is drunk again, and wants more" I keep walking to the cabinet

I open the cabinet doors and look at what I should get her, my eye catches the clear bottle with a blue and silver sticker. Grappa. This isn't too strong, but will do the job. (A/N: grappa-pronounced ghe-roll the r-uh-pa, is like the Italian version of vodka, better tasting and a tad stronger)

I pour mum a shot of it, just pulling it back a little into her so called 'special' glass. To me it's just an ugly reminder of my dickhead of a father.

"Here you go mum" I hand it to her making sure to put the bucket close to her legs. The same thing happens almost every night, she gets pissed, gets drunk them comes home yelling at us, tells me to get her a drink then she spews it up. I have learned to get her a bucket instead of having to clean it up in the morning.

"Thankyou honey" her words slightly slurred

"Mum, why were you yelling before? And where did you go before you came home?"

"Oh-that was Bob from work, he took me out for drinks cause I had a hard day" she pauses to take a sip "and then he asked me to come back to his place and I said no" she tips the glass up and the rest of her drink slides down her throat

"I'm going to go eat, do you want anything?" I ask as I stand up to leave the lounge room she went into when I got her drink

"Ahhh...nope" she laughs her drunk laugh

I sigh "okay" I bend down and kiss her forehead and the smell of alcohol is infuriatingly strong. I hate when mum drinks

I walk out and into the kitchen to see Jasper putting two plates of food on the table.

"Wow! What did you make?" I'm surprised he actually cooked, but still very grateful

"Well I didn't exactly make it...I found some spaghetti in the fridge and there was some bolognaise sauce in the freezer, so I warmed it and added it to the pasta...yeah" he tells me to sit

"Thanks, smells good" I start to eat and my phone starts to ring, who would want me at this fricken hour?

"It's only 6:30, and I don't know who would want you either" he jokes around

"Oh, I just said that out loud!" My cheeks flush red

"I'll be back" I pick up my phone and slide my finger over the screen to answer the caller, I look at the id but it says private

*hello* I answer

*hey* a raspy but familiar male voice answers

* that you Luke?*

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