Home Alone

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-double update, maybe a triple. Ily all xx please please please vote n comment-


I sit on my bedroom fall, tears running down my face and my heart once again beating out of control. I stare at my phones screen reading the text over and over again trying to think if this is actually happening. The text reads;

"I miss you. I will find you again."

I don't know if I should write something rude and vulgor back to that fucked up man or not. I don't know if my heads playing games or not with me when a new text appears on my screen.

"I will see you soon"

Did he really say that? I am freaking out know even more which I didn't even know could be possible. I drop my phone onto the floor and begin to crawl to my bedside table. I reach for the bottom draw and open it, taking out the two things at the moment that will release my pain and confusion.

~the next morning~

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm going off, my wrists stinging and my head pounding. I did try to stop myself, but I needed some relief from last nights events. I knew I didn't trust myself with that balde and bottle in my room.
I didn't feel like facing the bitches and Luke's reaction of what I had done, at school. So I just layed there and closed my eyes ignoreing the sun trying to make its way into my room through the parts in the curtains.

My eyes snapped open at the sound of banging on my door. I turned towards my clock on my bedside and it read eight o'clock. What felt like minutes was actually an hour and a half. I chucked the blankets and sheets off of me and swang my legs over the side of my bed attemptting to try and get up. As I stand to my feet I feel slightly wobbly. I grab hold off my bed post and walk towards my door. I open it to see a messy headed Jasper.


"What do you think, Your late for school, it's ei-" he looks me up and down and I put my wrists behinf my back "Have you been drinking?"


"Yes you have, I can smell it" he shakes his head in dissaproval "why?"

"I'm sorry," glad he hadn't seen my cuts "I was just a bit...I don't even know" I look down un-consiously rubbing my wrists

"Are they...did you?" shit "did you...cut?' Tears begin to form and Jasper pulls me into a hug

"I'm so so sorry Japser"

"It's alright, just promise me you won't do it again?" he looks at me and I nod

"I'm scared"


"He said he misses me and that he will see me soon" another tear falls "What if he finds me?"

"He won't, I will make sure of that" he kisses my forhead "Mums still asleep, and has the day off. You go back to bed, rest. I will bring you some breakfast and ring the school saying your sick"

"Thankyou" and with that I walk back to my bed

~2 hours later~

"Hey, are you at school?" from Zefa

"Where are you?" From Zefa

"Why are you not here?" From Zefa

"Answer me.. LINA?" From Zefa

"Are you alright?" From Zefa

"are you okay? where are you?" From Luke

The last one caught my attention. He actually cares. I keep staring at my phone screen. I had fallen asleep once again after Jasper brought me something to eat. I unlock my phone and reply to Zefa first;

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