Chapter One: Flashback

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Ukraine's POV

I was getting dressed, ready to start a new day, I was only three years old and I felt so free from worries, and yes I ment that pun. "Almost done there sport?" I look behind me to see my father with his normal red and white shirt and black jeans. His flag just like my aunt and sisters one's, a red stripe across his face. I smile at him and nod then finished tieing my shoe laces. "Done!" I said while getting up and joining my father in the hall.

After breakfast I go outside and see my mother and uncle singing to my little sister Belarus. Their flags are the same as mine, blue at the top and yellow at the bottom. Siblings of two were very common in my family, first there's my mum and uncle, then my dad and aunt, I thought I was an only child but then Belarus came. "Oh your out and about, we need to go into the woods, your aunt went an hour ago and hasn't came back." Mum told me. I always hated those woods, everyone who went there has never came back, so it must mean something happened to her.

After a while of looking I went to the tree house that's just on the edge of woods. I had to take Belarus with me because I was told to keep an eye on her. "Well, Well, Look who we have here." I heard a female voice say to me. I look behind me to see my best friend Estonia on the edge of laughter. She could tell I got scared a little and started laughing. "Ha ha very funny." I said looking down happily, but that happiness disappeared quickly. I saw my aunt and uncle both dead on the floor. "What's wrong, what did you se-" she stopped when she saw what happened, then ran to Belarus before she could see.

I saw the murderer walk to the other side of the tree but I could follow him easily from up here but I saw something else. I saw my mother  crying, sitting next to dad's dead body. As the person came close to her I could feel tears starting to form. I've always been good at hiding tears but my mother is who I cared for the most. I watched as my mother got shot in the heart. I couldn't stop crying my mother was going to die. When the murderer left I got down to the ground and ran to my mother lieing on the ground. Estonia came down too holding Belarus asleep in her arms. When we got to her she was still alive. "Ukraine, Estonia, promise me that you will both take care of Belarus, I don't want any of you in trouble but make sure the little one is safe for me." she asked us. Estonia nodded and went to keep Belarus asleep. "Don't worry mum, we'll keep her safe." I said as I hugged her for the last time.

I woke up in my room, looked around and saw the empty space. It was just a dream I want to go back to the good old day where I didn't need to work as hard as this. 19 years old and I'm hating it
"Are you okay bud" said a familiar voice. I saw Estonia looking down on me.
I remember where I am, in the outbuilding that I share with Estonia in the soivet household.
"Yeah I'm fine, just had that flashback again." she look annoyed at this, it was the fiftieth time this had happened this month. "Belarus will be fine, stop worrying." she told me



621 words wow okay, and I am slightly crying but I don't care

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