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Murphy's face was covered with blood, bruises all over his body

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Murphy's face was covered with blood, bruises all over his body. Maisie had no idea how it happened but someone had brought belts from the drop ship, gagging his mouth. They dropped him from a hill, the pale boy was struggling to get up. "Let me go, Bellamy!" The blonde yanked her arm away harshly from Bellamy and made her way towards the crowd of delinquents who were now tying a rope over a tree.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" The blonde shouted at the boy who was now tying a knot around Murphy's neck.

They were going to hang him.

"Let him go!" He pushed the boy away, "You bitch! He killed your friend. You should be the one hanging him!" He hissed at the blonde. They made him stand on a chest, enough for him to still breathe, watching him as he struggled. "You can't do this!" The blonde struggled her way into the front of the crowd. A boy pushed her down as she tried to cut down Murphy's rope. She fell back when her wrist got stuck under her leg. "Ow." A cry escaped her lips as she took a glance at her now probably, injured wrist.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!" Bellamy pushed the boy away as he fell to the ground with a loud thud. "Are you okay?" He helped her get back up to her feet. "Yeah, I'm fine." She lied as everyone went silent. "Bellamy, you can stop this, please." The blonde begged.

"Bellamy, you should do it!" Said the boy who first gave the idea of floating Murphy. The freckled boy looked around at the delinquents then Maisie, she shook her head as she mouthed a no.

"Bellamy! Bellamy! Bellamy!" Everyone started rooting for Bellamy to kick the chest, to kill Murphy. "You can stop this! They'll listen to you!" Clarke grabbed his biceps as she shook him. "I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a killer." Clarke started to rant hoping he would give up. "Bellamy don't do this." The taller blonde continued as she took a glance at Murphy, who was now shaking his head as no, scared for his life.

Bellamy stepped closer to Maisie, "Then give me a better choice, please sunshine." He whispered, his eyes filled with anxiety and worry. He didn't want to kill Murphy. They locked eyes for a second before he turned around to look at Clarke. "This is on you, princess. You should've kept your mouth shut."

Bellamy made his way towards Murphy, taking one last look at the taller blonde, he kicked the chest away, breaking it into pieces.

Maisie's eyes went from Bellamy to Murphy who was now struggling to breathe. The crowd started to cheer like crazy. They didn't know if Murphy was the real killer, but the punishment that he deserved wasn't dying. "Murphy!" She ran towards the boy, hoping to reach him but Clarke beat her to it.

"What the hell are you doing? Cut him down!" Finn started to ran towards the crowd as he shouted orders at them but no one seemed to care.

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