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Maisie slowly opened her eyes, her ribs slightly burning at every breath she took

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Maisie slowly opened her eyes, her ribs slightly burning at every breath she took. "Hey." Her eyes met Clarke's for a second, her best friend brushing the golden strands of hair out of her face as she spoke. "What happened?" Her voice was weak, a little shaky.

"Is that Maisie?" The blonde turned her head around on the cot to look at her right where Raven had been sitting since she got back. The brunette smiled at the blonde as she nodded, answering her thoughts.


Her ocean blue eyes started to dwell up tears, completely forgetting about the pain in her ribs as she heard her father's voice.

"I'm here." She could feel him smile from the end of the radio. Even though she didn't quite agree with her father's choices and judgements, she still cared so much about him, so did he. "How are you feeling?" Marcus Kane continued through the radio. "It burns, but nothing I can't handle." She smirked, then hissed at the pain as she tried to get to her feet. "No, no, no. You," Clarke started as she pointed her finger at the girl. "Need to rest." The blonde grunted as she laid back on the cot, Clarke's gaze shifting between her eyes and her wound.

"Should she be this pale, and warm too?" Raven spoke for the first time since the blonde opened her eyes. "She's lost a lot of blood, Raven, but she's as tough as you are. I'm sure she'll be fine." She heard Abby's voice, the woman that had helped her through so much, one of them being her mother's death. Abby Griffin was like her second mother figure. "Thanks, doc." She smiled at the woman, Abby chuckling at her words, them reminding her about the time that she had to spend three months in medical. The two had shared a lot of jokes for the past seventeen years and the girl was like a second daughter to the woman.

"Wait, mom, she's right. She's feverish, and her breathing's uneven." The other blonde looked worriedly at the girl as she examined her. "You need to give her some time to recover. Let me know if he gets any worse, but I think I think she might just be out of the woods." The doctor reassured the girl, her words calming the blonde down.

Clarke nodded like they could see it from the radio as she sat down next to the blonde, taking a deep breath. "You know, when Bellamy brought you in, for a second, I-" Her best friend started but suddenly stopped and took a deep breath. "I thought you were dead. You have no idea how I felt, like-" The shorter blonde stopped as Maisie put her hand on her shoulder from where she was laying down.

The other blonde's eyes switched from the ceiling of the drop ship to her. "I'm alive, we're both alive, and that's all that matters." She smiled softly at Clarke, the girl now forgetting about their stupid argument.

"I'm sorry about blaming you, and all that stuff I said about Bell-" Once again the taller blonde cut her off. "I told you that doesn't matter now." She replied as she shook her head, giving a reassuring squeeze to the other blonde's hand.

Clarke smiled back at the girl, but it quickly disappeared as her face went black. "I need a break." She stated and started walking towards the exit of the drop ship. "Clarke? Clarke, wait. Raven could you give us a few minutes?" Abby once again talked through the radio. "Sure." Raven was getting ready to leave when Clarke stopped her.

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