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It was already sundown, the warm sunlight being replaced with the dim lights of the drop ship that now held sick and potentially sick delinquents

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It was already sundown, the warm sunlight being replaced with the dim lights of the drop ship that now held sick and potentially sick delinquents.

Maisie was helping the others, making sure each one of them had drank enough water. "Hey, I got this. You go take a break." The blonde whispered to Octavia, the brunette flinching when she gently touched her shoulder.

Octavia nodded as she made her way out of the drop ship, the bags under her eyes being the proof of her exhaustion.

The blonde had known that Bellamy was back from the drop site since Miller came in to inform her as she told so, the thought of him being safe giving her enough comfort to stay focused on the sick delinquents in front of her.

She continued to check up on every single one of them, making sure they don't have high temper as it was a symptom of the tragic blood-coughing death.

But she was forced to snap her head back when she heard the sounds of groaning and the flaps of the drop ship opened, revealing two boys carrying a blood-covered Bellamy who was trying his best to keep his eyes open.

"Where is Maisie? He said to get Maisie!" One of the boys yelled, not being able to spot the blonde who was on her way to check in on Clarke before they brought Bellamy in.

"Bellamy?" her voice sounded weak and shaky, as if her heart had just gotten ripped out of her chest. It took her a second to sink in all of this before she ran as fast as she could to his side.

"Clear some space, get him on that cot, now!" She ordered, watching as the two boys gently put Bellamy down, quickly leaving before they get the virus.

Blood spouted out of his mouth, earning the blonde to widen her eyes as she rolled him on his side, saving him from choking on his own blood.

Bellamy panted, his eyes wandering around like crazy before they finally landed on hers. "Hey, hey. Relax, I'm right here." She gave a small smile, trying her best to hold back tears as she slowly played with his curls, Bellamy relaxing at her touch.

"Hey, freckles." The smile didn't leave her lips, only grew bigger while she gently wiped away the blood on his mouth.

"Hi, sunshine." He spoke as his breathing slowed down to normal, his eyes only focused on the girl in front of her, appreciating every inch of her as he was scared that this would be their last moment they shared together.

"I'm scared." He whispered, the girl wanting nothing but to wrap her arms around his neck and hold him until he felt better.

"You're safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." She whispered back, knowing well that Bellamy needed some rest for him to get better.

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