Sun, Moon, Truth

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As Liam was walking me home, we get a text from Stiles that something had happened, and I needed to stay with Liam. I knew it was about my brother, but Stiles wouldn't say anything else. He just kept telling Liam that I have to stay with him and to stay safe.

We rush to his house, and stay inside. We play video games, talk, and sleep for the night. When we woke up, I told Liam to get ready. We were going to my house. Why? Because that's where Stiles was. How do I know that? Because he asked me where the extra key was hidden outside.

We stand in my kitchen as Stiles and Malia come down the stairs

"Liam, Kaylee, go home. You are not coming with us." Stiles tells us.

"Technically I am home" I sass at Stiles.

"Why not?" Liam asks.

"Because it's a full moon. And I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." Stiles tells Liam.

I begin to start talking, but Stiles doesn't let me.

"You can lock me up, right? Chain me down to the back seat or something?" Liam tries

"You tore through the lay Chan's, remember?" Malia adds in

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there." Stiles sarcastically explains

"Okay, then where do we get carbonite?" Liam asks continuing to persuade them.

Malia and I look back and forth between each other, Liam, and Stiles.

"Seriously, you haven't seen it either?" Stiles asks Liam annoyed.

"Stiles, just please let us go" I plead.

"Ahhhh, ha ha ha. Very funny Kaylee I cant guarantee that you can keep Liam under control help you. Do you know what Scott would do to me if I took you to Mexico and he ripped out you throat? Scott would rip out my throat. So no, you're not coming." He barks at me.

"Wait!" Stiles begins to walk out, but Liam stops him. "What if we put me in the trunk?"

"You'd get out of that, too" Malia tells him

"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of five minutes. You don't have to do this. And Kaylee, what if something happens to you? None of us know at all what's you are or what you can do" Stiles tells us.

"I know I don't, but I want to. There's got be bigger chains, a bigger trunk or something. There has to be" Liam tries to convince Stiles.

"Maybe there is" Stiles tells Liam

"This my brother we're talking about. I'm not staying here while you go save him. I'm his sister. That's what siblings do. We save each other. I'm going, whether you like it or not." I force at Stiles.

"Okay. Let's go save Scott and Kira" Stiles says, as we all walk out my back door.


We pull into a ware house lookin place, and get out of the jeep. A black prisoner transport looking thing pulls up, and Braeden gets out.

"How'd you get a prison transport van?" Stiles asks her.

"I'm a U.S, Martial" she tells him

"Yeah, I thought that was just a cover" Stiles stammers.

"You're really bringing them?" We all here Derek say as he gets out of his car.

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