The postboy doesn't deliver on Saturdays or Sundays so impatiently I waited. I spent most of the weekends in my kitchen but this weekend I had no energy so as I wandered into the pantry I wondered what I would make for lunch. I was reaching for a box of rice on the top shelf when I knocked over a different box. Picking it up from the ground a flood of memories came through. The phone calls, the FaceTimes and when I was reminded everyday 'Don't forget to call at lunch' everyday I worked I looked forward to lunch times where I would make the kids Mac and cheese and have random conversations with him. I smiled at the box in my hand. Weird isn't it? Anything can remind you of something important. All at once I had a burst of energy to make some cookies. Chocolate chip with caramel. I hummed a song as I threw the ingredients together. Flour and sugar ended up all over my clothes but in the moment the mess was just little and didn't bother me. I sat down happily at the table waiting for my cookies to bake. The aroma in the air gave me the purest feeling of happiness. I got up and opened my curtains. You could tell it was nearing the end of summer and autumn would begin soon. I walked outside feeling the slight breeze on my skin. I closed my eyes and just breathed. It was a good day.

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