Maybe it was a mistake to read another letter last night. I had woken up numb from the crying. Every memory that had ever related to that letter had killed me slowly on the inside. The necklace. The picnic. The first breakup. My homecoming. His homecoming. The bag of trinkets. It was all so much to remember at once.

I hastily scribbled out a note and rushed out my front door nearly toppling the Postboy. "Woah slow down miss." I looked at him with sorry eyes and handed my letter. "Miss are you alright." I guess the purple parts under my eyes and my pale complexion gave me away. "I'm alright thank you." I backed up slowly nearly tripping over the steps an then I shut the door.

Mi Amor~

Remember you were the first person to ever successfully surprise me. The day you knocked on my door and there you were on one knee with a sign asking me to homecoming. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry so I did both. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. Of course you had to top it with with roses and my favorite candy. It wasn't that however that I want to share with you today.

The day of our homecoming I knew I should have just driven with you but at the moment selfish as it was I wanted to make an entrance because I was very extra as you very well knew. Although being with you that night was probably one of the many happiest moments I had with you. Despite your other "ex" being there and what not It was a good night.

It was the moment though when we were eating our dinner that you told me you would propose to me there in that exact restaurant a few years later.

That moment exactly was the very moment I knew I was in love with you. 

The moment you first came home to me from Arizona is when I knew I loved you.

But It was that moment while I sat a crossed from you eating our nachos that I knew...knew you were the one.

~Your Fire

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