Week 7 Pt. 1

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You're too distant nowadays it feels like you don't want to come home.

You're uncooperative when it comes to our therapy sessions. Either the session is interrupted by a call or a meeting. You were never there on time either.

You keep on disappointing not just me, but Ella too. She doesn't deserve your broken promises.

Your mood swings are driving me crazy.

-You're no longer happy with me and I with you

The sound of the engine stopping in front of their door catches Lisa's attention but she made no move to open the front door as she just focused on the endless list right in front of her. As soon as a very familiar rich Tom Ford scent fills her nose, she knows that her wife has arrived.

She was quite expecting to have hovered over with whining and cuddles but she was confused why she was greeted with silence. Looking up, she sees Rosie's unreadable expression before the latter leaves her all alone and heads for the kitchen where she left quite a mess intentionally, knowing that it would trigger her wife who likes things sparkling clean.

"LISA!" Rosie screams from the kitchen. "LISA!!!"


"Why the kitchen all is messed up!?"

"I don't know!" She screams back. "Just leave it there! I'll clean it later."

However, Rosie decides to not back down this time and annoy the hell out of Lisa. So she slams the utensils things up to the maximum volume hoping it would irritate Lisa, a person who actually wants to watch television in silence.

She tries to slam every metal against its own, stomp her way back and forth while making sure to keep the water running because Lisa also hates it when someone leaves the faucet open. She wasn't wrong though, because after a few minutes of banging and slamming she hears Lisa's stomping footsteps towards the kitchen.

"Goddammit, Rosie how many times do I have to tell you to turn off the fucking faucet when you're not using it!" She turns off the faucet.

"Idiot I am using it can't you see? I'm cleaning up the mess you made!" Rosie argues back and turns it on once again.

"The mess that I told you I'd clean up later why can't you see that!?" Lisa steals the gloves away from her wife's hands and starts to do the dishes. "Why are you so pushy that I do stuffs immediately when you know I don't like being told what to do!"

Rosie stood there for a couple of seconds before retorting back. "Because your pace is always off timing and most of the times you don't do the things I told you to do! Sometimes you act like a teenager it's so-"

"Well you act like a mother even from before it's so infuriating! That's why you look older than your actual age because you always nag about the things that I intend to do, you just assume that I won't do it! And that's just one of the things that I hate about you!"

Rosie slams the fridge door and crosses her arms as she faces Lisa. "Well I hate-"

Lisa slams the casserole back to the sink. "Oh shut up, I know what you hate about me." Wiping her hands dry her pulls out the list and slams it hard on the kitchen island. "I know everything." She says and heads out to the living room with Rosie immediately trailing behind.

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