Week 7 Pt. II

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"So we are now moving forward to the post evaluation of the reports so we can come up with a conclusion for today's meeting."

"Agreed, so shall we start with the..."

Amidst the continuous chatters of suggestions and opinions, a woman looked at the papers in front of her. She swirls her pen around and around her fingertips l, trying her best to absorb all the data presented.

However, Lisa couldn't just bring herself to focus, especially when all she could ever think about was what happened yesterday.

"I've signed the divorce papers Lali... you're free to go."

Lisa grips harder on the pen, clenches her jaw as she controls her emotions. She remembered everything about yesterday, every detail, from the macro to the micro she remembered bit by bit.

And while she was trying so hard to forget that memory, she had also forgotten the fact that she was still inside the meeting, and her boss has been calling for her multiple times.

"MRS. PARK!" Her boss calls her attention once more. Jennie, who noticed that Lisa wasn't planning on moving kicked her friend underneath the table, causing the lost woman to be back in reality.

"Huh?" She shots Jennie a look before looking at her boss who was looking at her with such disappointment. "Uh sorry I was focusing on the reports."

"And how do you find the results, Mrs. Park?"

"I think that we can do better than this. Given the previous report, although there is a slight increase in our revenues, we shouldn't settle for a 'slight increase'."

She straightens her position and composes herself. "The market is looking good and I think it's good while to strike the iron is hot. We should innovate more, provide more promotions and advertise more you know? Do some brainstorming about how we could attract young professionals to invest in us."

The rest of the board nods their heads in agreement and Lisa thanked herself for reading the papers earlier before the meeting. She internally lets out a sigh of relief while facing back at Jennie who gives her a slight approval.

"Lisa? Can we talk?" Mr. Thomas, her boss calls out for her as soon as the other members left the meeting room.

"Sure Mr. Thomas." She answers politely and sits near beside him. "Was there something that you'd want to clarify with me?"

"A lot actually, you're lucky I have a meeting in a few." He speaks. "Lisa, having you here has been the best years of my company and if I am being honest, without you and your skills, I doubt I'd get this business to where it is right now."

"One thing I love about you is your focus and passion. When you want something, you waste no time and get it right away. You know what you want and you know how to get it. Other things become irrelevant once you've set eyes on the prize and as much as I like to see more of it- your focus and passion have been off the radar lately."

"Now I don't know if it has something to do with your personal life, with other things but your heart and your mind is not in the same place. It such a shame because I was planning to offer you something but seeing where you are right now made me realize that you are not ready for my offer just yet." He says with dismay.

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