Special Chapter

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"Don't you think this is the perfect vacation?"


"You and me, this boat while we're in the middle of the sea just the two of us having the time of our lives..."

"That is true."

"And we get to go home to our cabin and have some fresh fish."

"Don't forget the fish that you're going to clean and cook."

"Ha!Don't think too highly of yourself, I still have time to beat your ass."

"Lisa, I love you with all my mind, heart and soul but can you give sometime to enjoy the heat of the sun? You know how I've been dying to get a tan..."

"Right!"The brunette chuckles nervously. "Sorry baby."

"It's okay." Rosie smiles back and intertwined their hands.

Lisa tries to enjoy the silence too and but then she hears a very familiar sound. "Rosie! Wake up!"


"Wake-up our poles are moving!"


The two immediately jump out of their seats and went to their poles and start to pull up their 'catch'. Being the stronger woman between the two, Rosie reels in her catch with her perfect stance and strong arms. She swayed her pole from left to right and skillfully maneuvered the fish near their boat while Lisa was still reeling it.

"Yes yes yes!" Rosie happily skips and hops on their little boat as she finally catches her fish. "I caught one~ I caught one~..."

"Honey stop moving our boat, I'm trying to catch a fish here!"

"Oops sorry!" She lightly giggles and watches as her wife continues to struggle. "Let me give you a hand."

Rosie drops her catch inside the cooler and helps her wife. "Alright let's pull together okay?"

"Okay."With her hand on top of her wife, Rosie securely wraps her wife around by the waist and slowly moved back to pull the fish towards their boat. "Are we going to catch this fish?"

"Yes,don't worry Lisa, we will."

"I'm...having a hard time believing that..." Lisa was slowly losing strength.

"Baby come on, just a little bit more."

"This better be a huge catch or else..."

And with one final haul, they successfully reeled in the fish inside their boat and they lay down on the floor. They breathe out of relief, with Lisa opening her eyes first, feeling a little overly excited to see her huge fish. She was thrilled to see the look of defeat in her wife's face and show off her fish which was bigger than Rosie's.

But Lisa's happiness was immediately crushed when she saw a baby Salmon flapping it's fins, as it tries to survive its life on land.

"Oh no! It's a baby Salmon!" Rosie exclaimed when she saw the baby fish so she hurried up and lets it go to the water. "Bye baby Salmon! Be safe and grow up well!"

"That fish will never grow up well it's going to grow up as a con artist!"

"What do you mean?"

"It tricked me!" She explains. "It acted like it was a big fish!"

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