It Was Only A Dream

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I was pacing around in the waiting room, waiting to hear news about Aly. It felt like it had been hours since I heard anything, when it had only been 45 minutes. The door opened and I was hopeful that it was Will with news, but when I looked over, I saw everyone coming in from the unit, Voight, Burgess, Atwater, Ruzek, Antonio, and Trudy.

" sorry to hear about Aly," Voight said as he came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

I looked down as I nodded my head.

"Have you heard anything yet?" Burgess asked as she gave me a hug.

"Not yet," I said as I tried to keep my emotions together.

"I couldn't believe when I heard it," Trudy said as she gave me a hug and held back tears.

"Dude, what happened? Voight said someone came in and shot her at the gym?" Ruzek said, immediately wanting to get whoever did that to Aly.

"Aly said it was one of the guys from the night that we got Brad. He must have been watching her," I said as tears welded in my eyes and I shook my head.

"Jay," I heard Will's voice say and I looked over to see him standing at the door. "Aly just got out of surgery. We were able to get the bullet out. It just missed her liver," he started to say and I nodded my head. "We had to give her a couple blood transfusions, due to the blood loss."

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, hoping for good news.

"She's going to be out of work for a couple of weeks, but she will recover," Will said as he nodded his head and I felt a wave of relief come over me.

"That's good news. She can take all the time she needs," Voight said as he put a hand on my shoulder and everyone else seemed relieved that she was going to be alright.

"Yeah, but I'm sure she'll be back up and running in no time, knowing Aly," Burgess said with a smile and everyone nodded their heads.

"Can I see her?" I asked as I looked at him.

"I thought you'd never ask," he joked with a small smile on his face.

I walked out of the room with Will while the others followed behind me. I was glad that Aly was going to be okay, but I felt guilty that I wasn't there to protect her in the first place.

"She's in this room," Will said as he entered the one room.

I followed behind him and entered the room. I looked over and saw Aly laying on the hospital bed hooked up to a few different machines that measured her vitals.

 I looked over and saw Aly laying on the hospital bed hooked up to a few different machines that measured her vitals

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 As I walked over to the side of her bed, I saw that her eyes were closed.

"The meds should be wearing off soon and once they do, she will wake up," Will said as he looked over her vitals. "Her vitals look good."

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