Gianna Rose and Elephants

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am going to skip ahead a little with this chapter. I just want to make things go a little quicker. Thanks for voting on my story! Hope you continue to read and enjoy!


"Are you sure you don't need help carrying everything up to the apartment?" Natalie asked as I gathered my bags together.

"I'm sure. It's not too heavy," I said as I got my keys out of my purse. "Thanks for coming with me today," I said as I opened the car door.

"You're welcome. I loved every moment of it and tell Jay we found the perfect car seat and stroller combo," she said as I carefully got out of the car.

"I will. I'll see you tomorrow for the shower," I said as I looked at her.

"2:00 o'clock, right?" she said and I nodded my head. "I will see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Nat. Be safe driving home," I said and then closed the door.

I walked towards the apartment and she waited in her car until I got inside. I headed up to our floor and started to walk down the hallway carrying my bags from our shopping trip for Gianna Rose. It didn't take long for us to decide on her name. Once we started to go through the baby book, that is the name that we both liked.

I unlocked the apartment door and opened it before I stepped inside.

"I'm home," I said loud enough that Jay would be able to hear me and closed the door.

I set my keys down on the stand by the door, set the bags down on the floor, and discarded my jacket, scarf, hat, and boots. I didn't see any sign of Jay, so I picked the bags up from the floor and started to walk through the apartment.

"Jay? You here?" I asked as I looked around the apartment.

"In here," I heard his voice say from Gianna's nursery.

I headed to the nursery and slowly pushed the door open to see him on the floor with the instructions for the crib. I stood there in the doorway and smiled as I watched him try to put the crib together.

"I was hoping to have this done by the time you got home, but I was having some trouble," he said as I set the bags down on the rocker. "I wanted to surprise you," he added as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's okay, babe. We will work on it together," I said with a smile as I looked at him. "Let me get changed into something more comfortable and then I will help you."

I went into our bedroom and changed into one of Jay's tees and a pair of leggings. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and headed out of the bedroom. I went into the kitchen and decided to grab a bag of pretzels before I went back into the nursery.

"Had to grab a snack," I said as I put a pretzel into my mouth and carefully got down onto the floor beside him. "You want some?" I asked as I held the bag out towards him.

"Thanks," he said as he reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a handful of pretzels. 

"So, what seems to be the problem?" I asked as I set the bag of pretzels down and picked up the instructions that were laying there.

"I think it's a matter of being more of a two person job than just a one person job," he replied before he put another pretzel in his mouth. "I was going to ask Will to come and help, but he's still at Med."

"Well, we can do this together for our little girl," I said with a small smile and got up on my knees.

"So, how was shopping?" he asked as I put another pretzel in my mouth.

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