II: Unforgettable Features

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You couldn't believe you were doing this. It's a long shot but hey it's worth it. A few days had passed after your little excursion. You were now wearing an ankle brace but ready to get back to work. "Chef Tony's Restaurante" the amazing place you where when you had first cross paths with the cute Italian. It was odd how things happened as if it wasn't a coincidence. This window has to be towards the back of the restaurant considering it's not anywhere near the front. Continuing to stare seemed to have worked because when your eyes focused, there he was. The flirtatious little blond and his circus crew.

Unsure of what to do or how to approach him, you made your way to the front. After being greeted you pointed and asked about where the area of the window is. "Ah I am so sorry miss but that is reserved for VIP guests". You mentally screamed, "Awh okay thank you very much, table for just one then". While fakely browsing the menu, you called over a different waiter, "Boungiorno, where's the restroom?".

Guiding yourself to the back, you actually walked inside the the bathroom to tidy yourself up. Leaving satisfied you made your way to the VIP area, taking note of the glorious arch that invited you in. With no warning at all you walked straight towards their table. It didn't take long for your presence to be noticed. A man with a white suit and bob got visibly tense as he stared at you. Everyone was staring actually except Giorno who was smiling at his wine. You watched his movements carefully, completely ignoring everyone else. He picked up the glass and carefully brought it to his lips as he looked in front of him. Satisfied from the taste, he shifted his face to you. "Il mio prezioso ritorna così presto" (my precious returns so soon)

You questioned yourself if you heard what he said right. It was as if there was no one else in the room but the two of you. Both of you were captivated with one other. The men were in total disbelief at Giornos words. All but Narancia, (he was drinking his water). That was until...he heard what Giorno said causing him to spit it out entirely. Just so happened to be you were in the splash zone. Time was no longer in slow motion, as you let out a gasp. The man wearing the crop top started to laugh, the other with a bunch of holes for a shirt shirt tried holding it in, and some emo let out a soft chuckle.

Soaked in water and embarrassment you kept your composure, "Giorno I wouldn't be here if there wasn't an issue, and considering the fact we just met and I know this can be confusing-" Giorno was smiling, what girl boldly breaks into a sectioned off area of highly elites, walks up to the table of a man she met once, gets humiliated, and asks for help without feeling any shame? 'Who are you' is all he can come up with at the moment.

He was completely tuning you out, his eyes trailed down, he was respectfully checking you out. His smile vanished the moment he noticed your brace, "Are you alright? What happened?".

"Mr Giovanna! I am extremely sorry! This woman-" the hostess urgently approached the table glaring at you.

Giorno lifted his hand not breaking eye contact with you, "Is with me, may we get a second table please." Both you and the woman were shocked but she complied.

Taking a seat across from Giorno you noticed how quickly people respond to him, "May I get some napkins please, grazie" He was such a gentlemen he probably had really great parents. "So your ankle?" He asked intently. "Oh yeah right," you proceeded to tell him everything, only just changing up the ankle story.

"Ok so let me get this straight," he began using his hands to talk, "Instead of leaving the danger you could've easily avoided, you decided to still walk through an alleyway filled with gangsters, who had weapons-"

"One weapon only actually" you lightly mentioned.


A Twisted Tale : 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮 and 🅳🅴🆂🆃🅸🅽🆈Where stories live. Discover now