12: Until I Die (Part 1/2)

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A bright light engulfed the room.

Everything floated in the air before harshly falling on the ground. Side tables broke. Glass covered every inch of the room.

Slowly everyone began gaining consciousness, except you.

Giorno lifted himself up, a shard of glass had found its way into his side. Jacob had a shard protruding from his shoulder. Both males tussled to reach you.

A zipper opened directly above the bed. A ripped stuffed animal fell right through the opening. Everyone was caught off guard until Giovanna smirked. A zipper opened directly behind a thug before he was pulled in. After their attention focused on the fact they were being ambushed, it was too late. Bullets were shot through the door, "YIPPIEEEEEEE NUMBER 6 KICK LEFT!!"

With this Giorno allowed himself to lay down, his hands were clutching the bleeding wound.

Tiny voices awakened you. Sweat drenched your body.

Lazily your eyes opened to a scene of chaos. While what seemed to be Giornos friends fighting the bad guys, the main one was making an exit. He made direct eye contact as he left. Trying to open your mouth, no sound came out.

Trish ran to you trying to gain your focus.

"w-What the hell is going on" you said backing away from Trish hugging yourself. "I just-who even are you guys? this all started-" trying to place a pinpoint of when bizarre occurrences began happening in your life was difficult in this stage" I need answers".

The pinkenette looked at you with a soft smile, "of course. If there's anyone who knows what you're going through right now, it's me." She let out her hand, "believe it or not I know a thing or two about the same feeling you're currently going through."

Grabbing her hand hesitantly, she guided you towards her room. On your way out you saw your friends body shaking on the ground. She urged you through the door faster.

After reaching her room you were placed on her bed, "I have to go into the conference room to see what they're saying about this, for now get some rest. I promise to answer all your questions."

"Thankyou Trish."

Trying to close your eyes and sleep, distant yelling was heard through the door


When Fugo yelled it was for good reason. Their carelessness not only allowed for a random stranger to be brought into their place but also, almost killed twice. Along with the fact their leader was being a really crappy one. If you had been a bad person, this story would be different. Giorno could've easily been manipulated and killed.

You wouldn't allow these words to affect you.

Trish sneakily opened the door and walked in, "sorry about that.... Boys am I right?"

After some little laughter you asked to use her bathroom, "it's actually super nice that you have your own" Smilingly the woman responded, "oh they didn't really have a choice."

Looking at your reflection, you've definitely seen better days.

Turning on the faucet you submerged your head in the water.

Looking up, Jacob was behind you.

"AH WHAT THE HELL" you freaked out and swung to your left hitting the wall. You then heard silence and footsteps trailing towards the door. Everything was muffled out when you realized your knuckles were completely fine, nothing hurt. Your fist went right through it.

A Twisted Tale : 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮 and 🅳🅴🆂🆃🅸🅽🆈Where stories live. Discover now