VI: One Night [Stand]

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You were about done with your shower. The conditioner you used made your hair so soft and silky. You took note and remembered the brand. You went to reach for a towel but there was none. You pinched your temples, I can't just walk out naked and he did say shout if I needed anything....on three.....1...2....

"I NEED A TOWEL!" Ugh you didn't just do that. That was unprofessional, embarrassing, annoying and cringy. After a couple seconds, you saw the door knob shake, panicking, the door began to slightly open. You quickly covered yourself and hid back corner when some hand just dropped a towel on the floor.

You wrapped yourself in the towel and headed out. Looking at the empty room, you observed all the pattern fabric curtains that were drawn back by golden rope. He had hand carved wooden furniture drawers and chairs. Even had the most elegant window balcony. You sat on the bed, your hands grasping at the silk sheets. Your attention was quickly snatched by a wallet on the bedside table. It was opened.

Your body shifted towards the wallet that was calling your name. Inside there laid a Polaroid picture. Some blond man faced away from the camera. Your fingers lifted the photo bringing it closer to your eyes, you took note of the weird star birthmark placed on the top shoulder along with some healed scaring on the neck. Odd.

That's when you placed it down and turned left to see giorno next to you. "AhH" you ended up swinging at his chest as a reflex. "Oh my I'm so sorry" you said laughing while clutching onto the towel. "It's fine, curious I see?" he said with a smile.

"Yeah I mean, it's been a long time Haru"

He inched closer to you, "Please call me Giorno."

Your lip quivered before you bit it. Your eyes trailed down, noticing the heart cut out his chest piece had. It brought out and defined his abs. He was still that kid to you despite him being older than you by a year. You couldn't help but imagine all the things you could be doing. Your left hand slowly reached the cut out, your fingers brushing against him. You were lost in the thought unaware of what he was thinking. Giorno gulped as his cheeks heated.

Giornos Pov
Did you know what you were doing? Was it what I said or did. Can you hear how loud my heart is beating. I keep having to look up.  Everytime I look down I see you in a towel Control yourself Giovanna. But I can't...

Your eyes started looking down to a specific area Giornos face was now redder then abbachio out in the sun. "I-I u-uh ahem" he started looking around kinda fidgety. Both of you were almost panting. That's when you looked up at his eyes, your lips parting.

You looked at him vulnerable like if you needed his company and himself. You slowly moved onto his lap. His hands awkwardly moved before you placed them on your bottom waist. Giorno was restricting himself, unsure of what you were comfortable with. You began laying him down, trapping him under your arms, "is this okay?"

Before he can answer the door abruptly opened. Both of your heads snapped in the direction, "Hey uh giorno Mista told me that- uhhhhhhh" Narancia screamed and looked to the side, "um actually doesn't matter!"

You quickly got off him, super embarrassed. Giorno began walking away towards the door. You clutched the towel as you shamefully looked at the ground.


Giorno had locked the door.

Ok so um it's about to get a lot hotter in here so if you don't like that stuff just scroll until you see the other bold part

You still had your towel on and didn't want him to see you like that.


A Twisted Tale : 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮 and 🅳🅴🆂🆃🅸🅽🆈Where stories live. Discover now