IX: Let Me Make You Right

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Giorno and the gang

"Giornoooooo we've been driving forever!" Narancia  was starting to get bored "I thought this was gonna be a cool mission-" fugo covered his mouth and whispered "he's not in the mood."

Giorno was speeding.  He had thoughts on how only 40 minutes ago you were right in front of him. You had been smiling. He recalled that moment you guys shared.
How you guys latched onto eachother. He felt angry that he let you go, angry that he didn't open the door and talk it out, but he promised himself he will get you back.

"Giorno you're going 90 please slow down," Bruno had been quiet the whole drive. Growing up, Bruno has always been a level headed man. Even as a boy growing up he acted with logic not emotions. Giorno had seen him as a father he never had. His compass and guidance to a better life.

Giorno briefly met his eyes through the rear view mirror. It wasn't until his face turned to the side that he spotted multiple blue and red flashing lights. An overwhelming amount of news reporters surrounded the scene.

That's odd

As he started slowing down, his eyes latched onto to what appeared to be caution tape. Giorno had an idea,  "Mista you brought your laptop right?"

His best friend was confused, "Yeah why?"Giorno had a theory, thanks to something you had said earlier he was able to think of it, "We should have access to police files, hack in and see what's going on."

Fugo pinched his temples in frustration catching the passengers attention. "Really man I'm here for you, but I think you're grasping at straws." Eyes glued to the road Giorno shookingly spoke, "please mista."

Both exchanged sadden looks between eachother, "I'm on it....says there was a shootout of a young police officer...and that there was blood found." Bruno looked up from the backseat, having perfect view of the front mirror window. Giorno knew he was overthinking, but he really hoped he'd be wrong.
Empty Wearhouse
4556 col ave

It had been almost two hours, where was Giorno? Everytime Jacob would leave, you wondered if he had talked to him. He brought you to a wearhouse, your hands aching from the handcuffs. He was pacing back and forth talking to himself. 'Something is wrong with the setup car'

Finally, he gathered his thoughts after what seemed like a century. He pulled out some sort of thing that looked like a gun but it wasn't, there were two. Without words, he approached you and placed it on your neck. Stabs of pain radiated through your body but due to whatever he had done to you before, you were too weak to scream.

He found joy in seeing you in pain,  "just one more" it was sickeningly sweet. He repeated the process but this time placed it on your back.

"Care  to tell me what the fuck that was for?" Jacob sighed "look I don't wanna hurt you...anymore that is but I still will."

Staring right through the bullshit of his words, "wow that makes a huge difference I totally think youre a way better person".

"My issue isn't with you. Why should I waste my energy with a mut like you?"

Laughter escaped your lungs.

"Youre meaning to tell me you wouldn't waste your energy on me? bitch the past hour what have you been doing then?" He began getting angry again but you just whipped your head back, "you're useless."

He threw you on the ground getting on top of you ready to swing his arm, "What was that? huh wanna repeat that!?" This dudes temper is so fucking bonkers. You were getting used to his tantrums, he acted as if he was still 12.  The threats didn't work anymore. You were desensitized after the cop endeavor.

As tough as you wanted to be, you knew it was just the shock of it all keeping you going. You hoped anyone come and get you before that shock would wear off.

He got up and kicked you. "Ok this is the plan; I injected a tracker right bellow your shoulder" you rubbed it in pain. " In your neck theres a shock device.  Trying to get it out will be pointless considering it's in a sensitive place. Try to run or disobey any type of command I give you...and I will not hesitate to shock you. Depending on what you do will be the strength of your shock. Just like how they train dogs. You're my pet."

Your face was disgusted with emotions of hatred, shock, and concern.

"Don't look at me like that" sarcasm spewed from the dark brunettes mouth.

"You have the ability to kill me, how do you want me to look at you." 

"not so pathetic now?". Rolling your eyes, your body shifted downwards in defeat. Jacobs face came closer to yours once more, stopping only centimeters from you.

"Look asshole, I don't give a fuck what you do to me if I wasn't handcuffed...  I'd do more damage than what you say you'll claim to do to giorno."

"Who says I'll be hurting him? Nono Princess. I said I WILL kill him, that's if YOU make the wrong decisions" fingers belonging to the man twisted in your hair, "you'll reunite with your lover boy. It's not about the money. You'll find a way to get into his bedroom, which face it won't be hard."

His lips brushed against yours before he pushed himself back. His feet began walking to a cart next to you, "You are to find an arrow. It's engraved in gold, rumors say it's snapped in half." The (h/c) woman furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What's an arrow to you"

"That's my business and my business alone. You are to find this arrow and bring it back to me."

Shuffling through the crate he brought out a gun. Shakingly you couldn't help but ask, "So you want an arrow in trade for our lives? What if I don't go through with it?"

"It's cute that you think you have a choice. I have eyes everywhere so I advise you to listen to me. With this said," the male fixed up his appearance, "You have 24 hours to retrieve the arrow and return it to me. I will pick you up myself." The figure began approaching you with the weapon pointed.

Confusion and panic overwhelmed you. Thoughts raced through your mind, why so much trouble over an arrow? What is he gonna do? Where the fuck did he even get all this "power"? Not paying attention to your surroundings, the male had crossed behind you. Air brushed against your ear sending vibrations down your spine

" come up with a good story for me."

everything went black.

Authors note
Edited 03/26/24

Authors note 2019
Okkkk so I noticed some people (I think) are enjoying this story and I'm happy so thank you to the people who vote comment and even keep reading til this far I try updating this story every 4 days or less sometimes two because a lot of thought is put into this story with this said thanks for reading I really appreciate it ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ('。・ω・。')

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