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You felt a shaking and a bumpy road bellow you. Slowly opening your eyes, you looked around your environment, the car reeked of booze. You were sprawled across the back, your hands being attached to the grab handle of the car. For the most part, it was pretty clean.

Your hands were attached together with rusted handcuffs as so were your legs. You felt the sticky duct tape as it stuck to your mouth. Suddenly you felt a sharp ringing sensation in your head. You must've hit it hard. You looked down at the bottom of the seats and saw empty alcohol bottles.

Before you could note it, the car abruptly stopped causing you to launch forward to the ground. Your wrists wreathing in pain.

Quickly your attention flickers to the sound of sirens. Blue and red lights filled the inside of the car, thank god. You didn't know who was your abductor but you heard his voice say "don't move and don't even think about making noise."

"Care to tell me what your doin speeding in the middle of the night?" The officer sounded young, "license and registration please."

This is the time. I have no other choice this might be my only help. Thoughts sporadically meshed together in your head, 'survived'.

You screamed.

The officer flashed their flashlight towards the back where you were, "Sir is there anyone-" While the officer was distracted with you. Your kidnapper shuffled with the glove compartment. Right when you made eye contact with the cop, there was a loud pop and drop to the floor.

like that everything went silent.

Your abductor was pissed, turning to you. "Look at the blood on your fucking hands, y/n."

His hand reached your face squeezing your cheeks. Your eyes darted back and fourth. From all the moisture, the tape became loose, "who the fuck even are you."

Tears were yelling at your to escape. He inches closer, "think about it long and hard Princess."

that's when it hit you.... "how did you know his name is Haruno?" Your abductor let go of your face, paying attention to the road, completely ignoring you.

"Not so tough now Princess."

No. It couldn't be.

Memories began to flood your mind. You clenching your stomach while a crowd of kids watched. Eating alone. Haruno staring at you getting beaten on the ground. Jacob.

why was this like some messed up reunion?

He raised the radio up now driving faster than before. You tried to just listen to the music, let your mind go some place else. Runaway by Del Shannon radiated around the car speakers. The song ended as he pulled into a driveway. Jacob left you in the car for what felt like hours. Once he returned he opened your door, unleashing you from the grab handle. Squeezing your forearm, he ripped you out of the car. He had switched clothes, and was now switching you to a different vehicle. "What do you want with me? I heard what you said" your voice held immense boredom.

"You're doing this for money?.... You're Pa t h e t i c"

He began laughing, "you really don't know? I gotta say you humor me (l/n). I don't care for money darling" he approached your sitting figure. His fingers began tracing your facial features, you tried moving your head so he'd stop. "See what I want" he got closer, "Is to rid Italy from your highness Don Giovanna."


"You see Princess, you're just the bait, let's call you a coverup."

Trying to conceal your horror, you spoke though his words, "Haruno- Giorno is many things, I'll believe the mafia member part, but the don?" You scoffed, "the kid is no where close to being a mafia boss, let alone take one down."

Jacob then pressed his lips against your ear, "You'd be surprised what kind of mischief your little golden boy has gotten himself into. This is where it's your part to shine my dear."

You scooted yourself away from him trying to create distance, "Why would I ever help you exactly?"

"Many reasons", he said this trying to keep up confidence that was fading. "You seem to not even know what you want." You made sure what came out of your mouth was condescending. There was no prenteidnf with Jacob, he wouldn't believe your friendship for a second. His fist grabbed a hand full of your hair, "things will not be pleasant. I will have the boy killed, do you know what a stand power is?" It didn't even sound like he was speaking English, "You know you can't kill him." Your face was close to him now.

"Watch me."

"I'm a powerful man and in time, you will come to find that I will do it". His face inched forward attempting to kiss you. When you noticed, you moved closer as well. Innnnn and then out. With all the strength you had, you hit his head with yours. "Hate to break it to you bud but you have no idea what I M capable of."

His body rested on the ground.

You pulled out a clip from your hair trying to pick the locks on your ankles. "It's all about the tumblers"
You got one leg free, and that was enough for you to run.

Jacobs body quickly jolted u0 . You heard his footsteps stop you started feeling weak and fell down. "This is what my stand Oblivious does."

You just looked up at him, "vaffanculo" (fuck off)


edited 03/25/24

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