V: For Us

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You let all that out, tears streaming from your face. Why were you a mess?

Giornos face was shocked now he knew for sure that it was you. He let go of your arms and held you in an embrace. You shoved him back, "What the fuck is your problem."

He still had yet to speak.

"Never put your fucking hands on me again." You were angry, so angry that whatever danger you got yourself into you didn't care. "Goodbye Senior Giovanna."

You gathered your belongings and began walking away.


But it didn't work the door handle was turned, "it's me."

Frozen in place, your hand stopped.

"I-I changed my name. It's me, I'm Haruno."

His voice was shaking, despite the stand users he fought he couldn't be strong here. Growing up, you had saved him before his lavish life. You gave him advice, protected him from his father, listened to his passions. That gangster on the street didn't save him, you did.

He wasn't gonna let you go, not again after everything there was no way. He cut in front of you, placing his hands on your face.

"You're a blond now?" You started laughing through tears.

"Yeah I'm a blond" he returned the same gesture.

Once you guys hugged again it was as if years no longer separated you. No one let go in fear that if you did even for a second. The other would disappear. "I need some time to process this" your eyes never looked away from him. His thumb traced over the scar you had gotten so many years ago.

Almost as you were fragile, he brushed against it, "Take your time, Mia cara." Thats when his lips gently placed themself against the uneven skin.

Your hand squeezed against his, "Can I atleast lead you out?" He spoke up shyly, "of course."

You headed out when you realized it was too late at night. Calling an Uber would be risky at this time, it wasn't safe. You turned around prepared to have to ring the door bell, but as you faced the door there the blond stood in order to protect you if needed. "You can always stay the night" He exclaimed.

"Uh um"

'don't do it'

"uh you know what , why not"

Giorno led you to his room, "Ok so um you can go take a shower if you'd like and I can lend you some clothing from trish, of course if you'd like?" He was being so awkward but you remembered that Haruno could never talk to girls. Not like Giorno can, "Also you'll sleep in my room and I'll take the guests."

"Wouldn't it be the other way around? You gave a playful smirk. "Yes but you're a guest and a special one at that so, I don't see why you should take less?" There was your playful friend. To everyone else you guys were loners sure. But you couldn't deny the chemistry that was once there. Dumb middle schoolers with dumb emotions neither could understand.

You had a major crush on him. Back then of course. Seeing him grow with a shitty group of friends was tough, as he fit into his skin every girl was always over him. Like his genetic affect of just attracting fan girls.
He began stealing and getting himself into trouble but you liked him for him. His sweet side that no one else really got to see.

"So you want me in your bed?" His face immediately turned the color of Trishs hair. You had succeeded in the argument. Before you could claim victory he left the room. From the other side of the door, he yelled, "If you need anything just yell for it!"

He wins.

You rolled your eyes and prepared yourself for your shower.

Authors note
Edited 03/24/24 I noticed some of these chapters are kinda short (might add extra stuff if I can fit it just to formulate a better story)

Authors note 2019
Okkk so I'm back and um I needed to make a support for the next chapter and it will contain some stuff 👀 only a bit at the beginning and there will be a warning there to enjoyyyy (also have been replaying all for us by Zendaya euphoria was really good)

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