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You were now outside.

. Fuck I guess I do have to call for an uber. It's freezing.

Your Uber driver is 15 minutes away Keith Rodgers

How lovely.... you thought


Mista walked into Giorno's room where the blond boy sat on his bed. "what happened?" He was trying his best to comfort his friend.

Giorno had stopped at the front door letting you leave as the slam of it echoed throughout the building. He was fuming and abbachio only made it worse, "all that power and yet he can't get a girl to stay." Giorno threw the vase closest to the door against the wall before retreating back to his room.

"There's no point but thank you I appreciate it." He was a sulking mess, "I would just like to be alone please." Mista hated seeing him like this but he didn't know how to help. He's never seen Giorno act this way before, "if you insist. I'm here if you need me" and like that his friend left the room.

A couple minutes passed before he went downstairs to get some water hoping to cook off. It had been fifteen minutes since you slammed the door. As his filled his cup with water the door bell rang.

Giorno froze.

It rang again.

He was praying and hoping it was you. Did you reconsider? Had you just needed to cool off? He opened the door with a hopeful smile before his heart dropped and his stomach turned.

"Uhhh did you order an Uber? I've been out here for almost 10 minutes now."

Giorno was baffled, "You didn't see a girl out there!?"  He left the safety of the house and walked outside Giornos voice was panicky as he turned to the male, "she's about this tall has e/c eyes and h/c hair!?" He began yelling your name and looking around.

It was pitch black.

His yelling caught the attention of Fugo and narancia who were up studying at the kitchen table. Giorno took out his phone, turning on the flash. There on a step was a broken plant vase on the floor.

As he continued to walk down the path of dirt. He saw blood, and a piece of fabric. His phone vibrated and started to ring.

"Well change of plans! I gotta say I didn't expect that so quickly?" the voice didn't sound human whoever they were they used a voice changer to hide their voice.

"Where is she." Giorno didn't know much about his father. It wasn't until a grey haired boy koichi found him again, this time bringing back up. A man named Jotaro Kujo informed him of his background. He had a father named Dio Brando, a charismatic asshole who only brought pain and destruction to all he came across.

He never thought he could understand how or why his father could act that way. Not until now. Whoever this person was, triggered something inside him, something dark.

"I'm not gonna answer your stupid question, but for your sake she is ok for now."
The man was driving on the road he turned his head around to see you in the back car seat tied up.

"If you care to see my work..."

"check your security and as for who I am the surprise won't be ruined quite yet. As for what I want.... 20 million dollars in the next.....5 no 3 hours."

"You're  pathetic. Useless."

His voice snapped, "DONT INSULT ME I HAVE THE GIRL."

You were shaking at this outburst, "Awh Giovanna you made her cry, now don't test me again Haruno. Youre a mafia boss so you'll make it fucking happen or I kill the girl."

"Fine. Deal."

"I have my reasons for what I want. I'll call back in the next hour and check up on you. But remember, you only have three."

Giorno quickly ran back inside heading straight into the conference room. He pulled up the security cameras. There was nothing, the attack happened in a blind spot. Racing out of the room into the living room, "Abbachio come outside with me" Giorno insisted desperately. "Why the hell should I listen to you?" He said with an annoyed remark.

Giorno didn't have time for bullshit, "Because I'm your boss now get off your ass and do your job." Everyone was shocked at Giornos outburst, but they quickly adapted.

Abbachio scoffed and followed him. Outside Giorno led them to the plant first, "Use your moody blues and rewind the time to when y/n went missing"

The incident

A car had pulled up "Hello! I'm your Uber driver Tyler do you have any belongings that need to be put in the trunk?"

"Your Uber driver is 15 minutes away Keith...."

Moody blues recreated the scene perfectly Including you. Giorno went to touch the replica and saw the dry tears he went to wipe them off but the scene kept playing.

You started to back up, "Mam?" The charismatic driver changed in an instant. You slowly backed up grabbing the closest item, a flower pot, and threw it at the car. He got off and slammed the door. Not wasting time you picked up a shard from the broken pot and started to run towards the door. Before you could bang on it, the male put you in a choke hold. You were kicking and trying to apply dead weight. He quickly pulled out a cloth from his pocket causing you to break free from the open hand.

You began running down the steps before you tripped and rolled down. He grabbed you by the hair. You clenched your hand so hard the pot cut it. You kicked his ankles and started crawling to stand up. You began running to what you assumed was your actual Uber driver. The headlights were turning into the long rocky driveway. You began to scream for help. "Fuck this stupid driveway for being so long."

The car was coming closer, as you cried in relief. Before you could escape the darkness surrounding you, a metal pipe flew against your back knocking you down. Trying to crawl forward again, the man behind you grabbed your arms, pulling you back next to the nearest bush. You began wrestling for your life, until he covered your mouth with the cloth.

You tried so hard not to breathe it in and with the shard piece, you managed to rip a piece of the mans clothing. Almost breaking free again the man got a hold of the pipe before he hit you with it causing you to gasp taking in whatever chemical was in the cloth.

You were tied up and stored in the back car seat.

The scene then stopped. Thick silence loomed over Abbachio, and Bruno who stood by Giorno. That was gruesome. A piece of Giorno broke inside knowing that you fought so hard for your life. "Thank you Abbachio". Without wasting time, Giorno called out golden experience requiem.

He got the piece of fabric and turned it into a frog, "Go back to where you came from."

"Get the gang we have business to attend to."

Authors note
03/24/ 24

I can agree

Authors note 2019

Shits gonna go down

A Twisted Tale : 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓮 and 🅳🅴🆂🆃🅸🅽🆈Where stories live. Discover now