Chapter 46: Death of Moana

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"Moana...?" He asked again. The figure was still. No movement. "Moana... Moana!" Maui crawled up to her quickly and held her up in a bridal position as his knees were still buried in the sand. Moana's eyes were open just a little bit. This attack was too powerful that she was slowly dying even though the wisps tried to protect her from Kapu'uila's hammering fist. "Moana! Moana! Speak to me! Moana! Please! Moana!" Maui exclaimed as he shook her.

Moana feebly raised her hand and held Maui's cheek. "Maui..." She said weakly. It was the weakest voice Maui ever heard from Moana.

"Yes, it's me, Maui." Couple teardrops ran down from Maui's eyes. Some teardrops even got on Moana's hand. "Why... why did you do that?"

"To... protect you..." Moana said.

"But why?! You didn't have to!" Maui yelled, not in anger, but in resentment brought up by despair.

"Don't... don't say that..." Moana said, still weak. "I'm... I'm glad that... you're alive... you... could've... gotten hit..."

"But then you got hit instead!" Maui exclaimed.

"I'd rather get hit... than to see you get hit... and sorry... about earlier..." Moana managed to apologize even in her critical moment in her life.

"No, it's my fault! Mine! Me and my stupid stubbornness!" Several more teardrops started to race down from his eyes to his chin.

"It's not... your fault... Maui..." Moana's voice became even weaker.

"Moana... please. Stay strong!" Maui begged as he held her desperately.

"Maui... I still love you..." Moana let out a warm smile despite how much weaker she's becoming.

"I... I love you too." More teardrops ran down from his face and dropped on her cheek.

"This may... be my last... time... saying it..." She was barely able to hold her eyelids open.

"No... what do you mean...? Don't say that... why would you say that? Oh... this is my fault... if I did dodge it in time..." Maui regretted not being able to dodge a hammering fist by Kapu'uila.

"No... it's not... your fault... I'm glad... you're alive..." Moana started to lose consciousness.

"Moana... please live... I can't go on without you!" Maui begged.

"Maui..." She took off the necklace and hung it around Maui's neck with her very last strength. "Take it... fight Kapu'uila... and save this world once again..." Moana said as she hung the necklace around Maui. "Please... for me..." Maui couldn't say anything but let her caress his face... until her hand dropped onto the ground.

Maui froze as her arm collapsed on the sand. Maui slowly held her chest up to his ears. He heard nothing. He felt no pulse. "Moana... Moana... Moana no... no... no! Moana! No!" He shook her even harder. "Moana! Please! MOANA! PLEASE!" It was no use. Moana was no longer... alive. She couldn't respond to anything. "NO! MOANA!" Maui hugged her tight. Moana's face was so cold that his warm cheeks cooled down. His tears ran down from his eyes, down to his face, and shed on Moana's cheek, hair, and shoulders. "No... Moana... please... I really love you... oh... I... I'm sorry..." He sobbed for a while. Watching this, Pua couldn't hold back his tears. Heihei stopped pecking on the ground, realized what was going on, and plopped on the ground silently.

Still sobbing, Maui gently put down Moana's corpse against the bed of sand. He kept whispering "I'm sorry..." next to Moana. While the tears ran down from his eyes, he grabbed the broken oar that was sticking up next to her, and threw it far away from them and screamed to the sky, "WHY?!" He grabbed his hair and covered his face with his arms, and bent down over Moana again to beat himself down as he felt responsible for her death. 

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