Chapter 7: Kakamoras' Revenge

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"Wow, I'm glad that we picked this much of nectarines! Oh, our villagers are gonna love it!" Moana was excited to go back. Unlike any other times, Maui sat peacefully as Moana sailed. "Maui, you seem very quiet. Are you already tired?"

"I just don't feel like being aggressively excited just now." He said rather calmly. Then he lied on his stomach.

"It's like the time when the ocean stuck a blow darts on you." Moana chuckled.

"Please don't remind me of that," Maui said as his face was down to the ocean. "That wasn't fun."

"Well, what do you want to do while we go back?" Moana plopped down next to him.

"Just sit down and meditate, or just sleep," Maui said. "Something that everyone likes to do."

"I think I'll just sail." She tightened the sail to make it go faster. She hummed excitedly. Then she opened her mouth a little bit and quietly sang, "See the light where the sky meets the sea it calls me... no one knows... how far it goes..." As she sang, Maui playfully made retching sounds. Offended, Moana slowly and quietly walked up to him. While his face was down, Moana smacked him on the head slightly.

"Ow! Hey!" Maui rose as he lifted his head up.

"You deserved it," Moana said, looking front.

On Maui's shoulder, Mini Maui snickered. He flicked Mini Maui to the other side of the arm. "So, chief of Motunui, are we gonna visit more islands after we drop the nectarines?" Maui said, facing down again.

"Hmm, I don't know. We can try." Moana switched the direction.

Then all of a sudden, a spear struck the pole. It was a familiar spear. "Kakamora!" Moana gasped. Maui stood up quickly and looked up. The ships were larger than usual that they gave a shade that covered them full. They surrounded Moana and Maui before they tried to find an opening to escape. They beat their drums hard, blew on the conch loud, and cried with full of war spirit as they all surrounded their target for revenge. Pua was startled. Heihei stayed in the storage.

"Oh no, they're back!" Moana's eyes widened.

"Wonder what they're here for." Maui said, a little bit sarcastically.

"Re-revenge?" Moana shuddered.

"Bingo!" Maui exclaimed more playfully and sarcastically.

"Maui! We got no time for jokes right now! This is serious!" Moana yelled with much fear in her voice.

"Only thing we have to do is fight them," Maui said confidently, "then we sink their boat, then we get an opening, and then we'll escape!"

Then she struggled again. There were more than last time, and the boats looked sturdier. "How did they rebuild their boat in such short amount of time? It's even bigger than before! It would take almost half-year to make it that big!"

"Don't know," Maui said, rather calmly.

"Oh, what're we gonna do?!" Moana panicked. 

"We'll be fine, Curly! Just take them down and turn the boat when we get an opening!" Maui tried to calm her down with vague advice.

"We got this, right? Maui? Now you have the fishhook?" Moana asked.

Without answering, Maui screamed, "Cheeeehoooo!" and transformed into a shark, and jumped into the ocean, leaving Moana behind.

"Wait! Maui! Wait about me?!" Maui swam until he was out of her sight. She grunted and grabbed her oar and took her stand to get ready for incoming blow darts. As one of their ships came closer to Moana, she hopped on the boat. As soon as all the Kakamoras turned to her, she smirked and beat her way through. She dodged all the blow darts and some hit the other Kakamoras. She needed to find a way to make an opening for her boat. But how can she? She had no choice in the beginning but bat all the evil, furious coconuts who wanted revenge from last time.

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