Chapter 48: The Ultimate Return (Finale)

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"I understand your pain, Kapu'uila," Moana said soothingly. "It must've been hard. With your empathy, you wanted to save everyone in depression, despair, fear, and resentment. You did a good job as a demigod who was willing to save people from certain darkness. It must have been difficult, for seven hundred years, you were trying to help people and be loved by them, but that didn't work. Instead of gaining respect and love, you only gained depression, despair, and resentment. Thus, your heart was filled with darkness, making you turn this way... Now, it's time... time for you to gain what you deserved..."

As soon as Moana got closer to him, Kapu'uila raged, spread sparks from his entire body, and swiftly glided towards Moana. Moana slowly approached Kapu'uila who was still flying towards her to headbutt her.

I have crossed the horizon to find you, Moana sang as she approached him. Kapu'uila stopped as he heard her sing.

I know your name, Moana continued. Kapu'uila's angry facial expression turned into relaxed expression.

They all buried so much pain inside you, Moana continued. Kapu'uila remembered his past and lowered his head.

But this does not define you, Moana continued. Kapu'uila stopped the lightning.

You can still change this all, Moana continued. Kapu'uila floated in front of her.

I can help change it all, Moana finished. They both faced each other.

Moana gently hugged him and said, "I'm sorry for misunderstanding... please forgive us... I'll help you escape this misery from you..." Kapu'uila hugged her back. After they withdrew, Moana put the necklace around Kapu'uila's neck. As soon as she released her hands, the necklace shined and suctioned in all the spark around him, showing his true appearance. He had fair, short black hair, fair tan skin, sparkly dark brown eyes, small button nose, small plate ears, plum-like lips all in one face, chubby yet fair bodyline, and he let out a gentle smile as he faced Moana after his full return.

"Kapu'uila! It is you!" Maui yelled from the distance. Kapu'uila flew over to him to give him a proper greeting. "Welcome back, brother," Maui said as he let out his hand for a handshake.

"Tēnā Koe, Maui," Kapu'uila thanked Maui as they both exchanged their handshakes. Meanwhile, Moana came back with the path made by the ocean. "Tēnā Koe, Moana," he thanked Moana when he noticed that she arrived. 

Before they can do anything, they were all summoned back to the spirit realm once more. Pele, Tane, Tangaroa, and Tawhiri all looked down at Kapu'uila. "You honors..." Kapu'uila started. "What I did was... wrong... I did not mean for this to happen... please forgive me, I'll do anything..."

You can do seomtheing, Pele said.

Yes, you can turn your victims back to human again, Tangaroa said.

And ask for forgiveness, Tane added.

If and only then, you'll be forgiven and keep your demigod status, Tawhiri said.

"I promise, I'll do it," Kapu'uila said. He really meant it.

All right, we'll forgive you from now. Go and set things right, all four goddesses said and returned them all back to the spirit realm. 

"Now, I just hope that I can receive their forgiveness..." he said as he held and looked at the necklace.

Moana and Maui both put their hand on his shoulder and told him gently, "We're here for you," they both said at the same time.

Kapu'uila smiled and spread his arm upward and levitated the necklace higher up in the air. He then performed sparks to release all the spirits, creatures, and monsters. All sixty-six spirits have come back to life, but not as monsters, but as their original human forms. They all looked at their hands and each other in amazement. There were overlapped conversations: "I'm back to my human self again!" "I can't believe I'm alive again!" "I'm alive! I'm alive!" They have lost their powers, but that did not matter anymore as they were more satisfied with being alive again. When the overlapped conversations stopped, everyone glared at Kapu'uila as if they were planned.

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