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"I'll see you later, mum," I call as I leave the castle.

"Is your brother with you?" Mum calls back.

"No, too bad, see you later, love you, bye!" I blurt and run out.

I walk down the brick road stopping to talk to a few people occasionally. It's a fairly small kingdom compared to most others but we're all great people. I'm loved by everyone here and they are all very sweet. Speaking of-

"Roman!" Patton came bowling towards me.

"Hey, Pat!" I grin and hug him. He pulls away after a minute. His blue apron is covered in flour and his chefs hat is slightly skewiff on his head and he's still wearing a pair of oven gloves. Patton's the bakers son.

"You going to get berries again, kiddo?" He asks.

"Of course," I nod.

"Let me get you a bread roll for the road," Patton says then runs off and comes back a few seconds later with a bread roll, "A sourdough bread roll, fresh from the oven, your favourite."

"Oh my God, that's amazing, Pat, Thank you so much." I hug him and we say our goodbyes before I continue walking eating the bread roll as I go.

As I reach the outskirts of the kingdom and the edge of the forest, there's a cold breeze and I pull my cloak around my shoulders more. I should have ridden my horse. I walk in to the forest in search of berries. The berries in this forest are amazing, I mean, as long as you know which ones to pick. I come out here every other afternoon to pick some for breakfast for the next two mornings.

"Someday, my prince will come," I sing quietly as I pick the juiciest looking ones. I go on tip toes to pick some of the higher up ones. I can't believe I'm the shorter twin by like two inches but still, it's annoying. I sigh quietly and continue singing. After a little while I've picked as many as I can reach and that are good then I walk to a little lake.

It's a beautiful lake, it's quiet, there's a little waterfall leading into it and its clear. It's fantastic for a little me time because people don't go there- Never mind. As I arrive, I see a fairly small figure sat on a rock. He's wearing a baggy a hoodie, I think it's black but I can't tell with this angle of sunlight. I clear my throat as I get near to him and his head whips around.

"What do you want?" He hisses looking me up and down from his rock. His scowl deepens as he realises who I am, "Oh."

Ok, I'm sorry, but what is going on with that eyeshadow? Or did he not get any sleep for the past 2 years. His bangs cover most of his eyes but from what I can see they're a dark shade of brown, almost black.

"I'm just here to go in the lake," I say setting my basket down, "You?"

"I was just leaving," He mumbled standing up and Jesus Christ, take back everything I said about him being small. He's really lanky and must be like, what, six-foot-four/five. Damn, "What?"

Oh, he noticed me staring, ok umm, "Nothing."

"Good," He muttered walking away. He looks quite slender but broad shouldered and almost muscular. Ok, he's kind of attractive but I don't care. He looks familiar and I can't work out from where.

I take my shoes and socks off as well as my cloak and then dip my toes in the water. It's slightly colder than normal and the normal temperature is perfect for keeping my skin smooth and stops it from drying up. Guess we won't be doing this today then. I dry my toes on the hem of my red cloak and then put my socks and shoes back on before starting to walk back home.

Is that someone talking? I frown as I get closer to the noise. It's two men I think. Sounds like two men. As I get closer I see them. It's the tall guy from earlier and another shorter guy. The shorter guy is wearing bowler hat and and a short black coat with a yellow hem.

"When I was your age-" The shorter guy starts.

"When I was your height," The guy from earlier smirks.

"Listen, you little shit," Shorter guy scowls.

"If I'm little you must be fucking minuscule." Tall guy started to walk away.

"I might actually kill you," Shorter guy sighs.

"Please, do."

Is he ok?



I stepped on a twig and now they're looking at me. I feel my own heart race but I ignore it and step back.

"Who the fuck is it?" One guy (I think that's 'Virgil') growls. I take another step back but then wisps of purple, smoke flooded towards me and wrapped around me pulling me forwards. What the fuck? I've seen magic before and I know it exists but this feels like a different kind of magic. Darker. Deadly. It pulls me out of the trees and soon I'm faced with them.

"Hey, look what the cat dragged in," bowler hat guy grins. Holy- What happened to his face? Half is covered in snake-like scales and the other half is human but snakes side has a bright yellow eye. That's creepy, "It's Prince Roman."

"And you are?" I straighten up and glare at the two. Snake eye is about my height and what is with those gloves. The purple wisps disappear and I lift my head.

"Your worst nightmare," Snake eye whispers in my ear and then snaps his fingers and the two disappear in a puff of yellow and purple smoke.

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now