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"Virgil totally likes you," Patton grins at me.

"What? No he doesn't!" I exclaim. Why would Virgil like me?

"Yeah, he does," Logan agrees, "Even I could tell."

"Nah, Virgil wouldn't like me," I laugh at the two, "Shall we go swimming?"

The other two look at each other before shrugging and getting into swimming trunks. We get into the pool and swim around for a while then play water marco polo.

"Why do you think Virgil likes me?" I ask when we are just relaxing in the pool.

"Well, he's always looking at you," Logan starts.

"Well, who wouldn't? I mean have you seen me?" I smirk.

"Yes, you are very handsome, Roman," Pat smiles, "But it's normally somewhere between confusion and almost love."

"Nah, y'all are seeing things," I laugh. They're being ridiculous, I kind of wish what they are saying is true but of course it's not.

"Falsehood!" Logan muttered. Okay, maybe it's true.

"Do you like him?" Patton asks.

"Pfft- Why would I- I mean, he's- He's cute but we have nothin in common and we aren't even supposed to be together. Like he's the son of Maleficent, the women who tried to kill both of my parents. But he is beautiful and nice and he gave me his jacket last night because he could see I was cold. And he saved me," I start rambling.

"I do not understand human emotion," Logan sighs, "If you like him then just talk to him."

"What are you guys talking about?"

We all scream and spin around to see Virgil standing on the edge of the pool eyes wide and looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Good to see you too," He rolled his eyes at us and pulled his sleeves over his hands.

"Sorry, its just that you do this thing where you just sort of... appear," Logan says breathing deeply.

Virgil sighs, "Do you mind if I come in the pool with you?"

"Of course! You don't need to ask our permission," Patton grins. Virgil nods and turns around to get unchanged. I have to make a genuine effort to stop myself from staring at him. After a moment, Virgil turns around and we look up at him. Okay, how did I not notice how ripped he was before? He slips into the water next to me, and I think he sees me staring because he's scowling again.

"Hey, Lo, my dad was wondering if you could help us fix the- the, um- the oven?" Patton says. Oh, God really? Are they really gonna leave me hear?

"Okay." Logan nods and the two get out of the pool and dry off before getting changed. They say goodbye and as they leave I see Patton give me a thumbs up with a big smile behind Virgil.

"What was that about?" Virgil frowns.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." I shrug and start swimming around the pool.

"Don't worry about it?" He grabs my wrist and pulls me back. Well, actually he goes to grab my wrist but misses and grabs my hand. We stop for a minute and look down at our intertwined fingers that are slightly distorted from the water. He clears his throat and lets go of my hand, "I- um- I'm sorry- I-"

"Hey, it's, umm, it's ok..." I whisper.

"So, umm... What's going on?" He asks, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Well, basically, Logan and Patton seem to think you like me, that's all," I laugh awkwardly. I watch as Virgil looks away awkwardly, "Oh, is- is it true?"

"I'm gonna go," He mutters hauling himself out of the pool and getting changed quickly.

"No, wait!" I say pulling myself out and grabbing my red cloak to wrap it around myself. By the time I've done so, Virgil is already at the tree line, "Virgil! I like you too!"

He stops still and looks over his shoulder at me, "You- you do?"

"I do... Please, stay," I say weakly, my breathing still fast and so is his.

He walks slowly over to me and looks down at me and gently moves my wet hair out of my face.

"I kind of want to kiss you, but I'm worried it will ruin our friendship?" I say

"Fucking ruin it," He mutters and leans down slightly. I go on my tip, toes to meet his lips. They barely brush each other before Virgil pulls away, "Wait. Shit. This is illegal, I can't do this, I'm so sorry."

"It's not illegal."

"Yes, it is. You're still a kid."

"I turn eighteen in two days."

"Then we'll wait," He mutters.

"I don't want to wait," I whine. He chuckles gently and runs his thumb across my cheek, his cold hands sending shivers down my spine.

"Two days," He whispers and walks away. I watch him. I let him. I guess he has a point, but it's hard not be upset. I do like him, a lot, more than I've liked anyone. We were so close. His dry lips were touching mine. But he doesn't want to get arrested. Understandable. I can wait for him.

"Two days."

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now