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I tug at and scream into my hand as I see Roman run away behind Deceit. I can't believe this happened. I can't- I need to-

"Are you going to calm down now?" He asks. I scowl down at him and he waves his hand which causes wisps of yellow smoke to tie me to a wall.

"Let me go!" I shout trying to free my arms and legs.

"The attack is today now, Remus will be here soon," Deceit states.

"I'm not fucking doing it," I spit.

"This used to be your dream, Virgil. What happened?" The snake raises his eyebrows at me

"I grew up," I scowl and his whole expression just changes. His eyes darken and he looks up at me. He grabs my jacket and pulls me down to his level.

"Listen here, we're doing this, you don't have a choice." He lets go of my collar and I let my head hit the wall and I continue to scowl down at him. Maybe I can help Roman from the inside. But he doesn't want my help. He doesn't want me. Not anymore. I really fucked up. I need to talk to Patton or Logan. Deceit won't let me go without him though. Shit.

"Can I at least go back and grab my jacket?" I call suddenly becoming very aware of my pale-ass arms that are clearly on show.

"Fine you have 10 minutes." He nods waving his hand to make the vines disappear. I rub my wrists and disappear to the spot I was at before. I pick up my jacket and the fucking notebook that caused this mess. Before I do anything to it though, I need to do something. I tear out a page and scribble down:

I've fucked up bad
There's going to be an attack on the castle at noon warn someone there I'm going to do my best to stop it from the inside but I'm not sure it will work

I snap my fingers and watch as the note disappears in a puff of purple flames. After putting my jacket on, I look around and spot my knife on the floor. I pick it up and shove it in my pocket before snapping my fingers to set the notebook on fire and teleporting back 'home'.

"10 minutes on the dot..." Dee frowns at me, "Are you trying to piss me off?"

"Maybe," I mumble raising my eyebrows slightly.

"Boo!" Remus shouts as he comes up next to us. I jump at the loud noise and restrain from punching the dickhead.

"Right, are we ready to go?" Deceit asks.

"One last suggestion! We set the castle on fire and dance in our underwear as it goes up in flames!" Remus exclaims. What the fuck?

"Let's just stick to the original plan, okay?" Deceit raises one eyebrow.

"What was it again? I forgot as I was too busy thinking up weird ways to kill Roman," Remus grins his sadistic grin and I clench my fists. He won't get near enough to Roman to kill him.

"It's in Virgil's notebook." Deceit looks at me. Shit.

"I set it on fire," I scowl down at him. He's gonna kill me. Oh well at least that means I don't have to help these fuck-wits.

"What?!" Deceit shouts staring wide eyed at me, "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Had to destroy it, I didn't want it and I don't want to see it ever again," I reply.

"You complete-"

"Never mind, I remember it, lets go!" Remus interrupts grinning. We both glare at him before we start walking to the castle.

The sky grew dark as we walked into the kingdom, probably Deceit's doing. People look at us walking down the road and usher their kids inside, slamming their doors and windows shut. I tense. I hate this. I hate being the bad guy. I don't want to be the bad guy. I'm not the bad guy. I spot Logan and Patton watching through Logan's store window. I look at Logan. Searching for anything in his face that tells me he got the message and has warned the castle. There's nothing in his face though. No emotion. Nothing that tells me he did or didn't get the message. For fuck's sake. Patton runs to the door and almost pulls it open but I quickly shake my head at him telling him not to come out. He hesitates momentarily so Logan gently takes his arm and pulls him away from the door. I sigh and we continue walking.

Deceit and Remus are in front of me glaring at those we pass as they speak in hushed voices about the corrupt prince. Remus just kept the sadistic, unsettling grin on his face. I hope Roman is okay. I couldn't have fucked up more. I'll get to him. I'll explain. He'll reject me though. He hates me. Understandably. I hate me to.

"They're with me, Joan," Remus says to the guard who's stood guarding the gate.

"I'm Camde-" He starts slightly offended and then sees me, "I thought you didn't know Prince Remus personally."

"I don't. I don't know shit about him it's my brother who knows more about him," I glare at Deceit who smirks up at me. I look at the guard who frowns slightly before letting us in.

"Virgil, can you be trusted to find Roman and bring him straight here?" Deceit asks me.

"Yes," I reply probably too quickly. He said once that he likes to hang out in a rose garden; that it calms him down; so that's where I'll look first.

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