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Why is this guy being nice to me? I could literally kill him right here, and he's acting like it's nothing.

"Surely you can?" He smiles.

I just shrug, "Never tried. What do you want?"

"We just wanted to talk?" Patton (Was that what he said his name was? I don't know anymore) smiles.

"Well, get lost," I say and sit on the rock facing the lake. The running water always calms me down, helps me focus. A hand on my shoulder makes me whip my head around to see Princey scowling at me, "Get your hand off me."

"Apologise to Patton," He states. I did get his name right.

"Get. Your hand. Off me," I spit tensing up.


"I'm leaving." I stand up and glare down at Princey but then my eyes drift to Patton who looks sad. Oh. Maybe I should-

"Look who's back," Deceit's voice rings through my ears and he's stood next to me.

"They were just leaving." I turn to face him but then look at the other three. After a second I turn to face Deceit again, "And you can fucking get lost too."

"Hush now, Virgil, don't speak to your brother like that."

What the- I glare at Dee for a moment. Fuck this.

"I'll see you later on. We have shit to do," He says and then disappears in a puff of yellow smoke.

"Your name is Virgil?" Patton asks.

"That would be why he got called Virgil, Patton," Logan says in a matter-of-fact-tone as he adjusts his glasses.

I look down at Roman who's glaring up at me, "Why are you still here?"

"We were, actually, gonna go into the lake. Problem?" Princey raises an eyebrow, "I thought you were leaving so why are you still here?"

"No where else to go," I shrug.

"Don't you have shit to do?" Princey raises an eyebrow. I chew on the inside of my cheek as I glare at him. I don't have something to do, that's Deceit, but I don't want to give them the wrong idea.

"None of your business," I mumble. Princey sighs in annoyance and then walks back to Patton and teach. They walk to the other side of the lake and change into their swimming costumes. Ok, now I might leave. They get into the lake and I start to walk away. I don't know where to, but I have to get out of here.  I pull the hood of my black hoodie onto my head as I walk through the trees creating my own path as I go. It's too easy to find me because I naturally kill the grass. It's getting annoying. I feel kind of bad. Ha, funny. I was under the impression I didn't feel anything.


I flinch at my name being called out and spin around to Patton running after me, water dripping from his hair and flying off his feet as he ran. I stop and watch as he comes to a halt when he reaches me.

"I think you dropped this in the lake," Patton says and holds out a little, black, worn-out, wet, leather-bound book. Fuck.

"Did you read any of it?" I ask wide eyed as I snatch it back.

"Just the first page to find your name, but nothing else, that would be rude," Patton says, shaking his head. Who raised this kid? They're amazing parents. I flick through the paper to make sure everything is still in there.

"Well, thanks, I guess." I tuck the damp, book into my pocket.

"No problem, kiddo," Patton grins and then comes closer wrapping his arms around me. Is this a- a hug? What? He runs off after a moment. What the fuck was that? I stand still for a while. That was new. New is scary. New can nope out of my life. I turn back around and start walking again.

I haul myself up into the blackened tree from yesterday and look through the book again, reading over everything. All of the plans.

It starts off with things me and Deceit would plan as kids. To stuff he makes me write down now. Our plans evolved from stuff we both wanted to do together, to stuff he wanted to do and force me to join along.

"Fuck this," I mutter. I tried to throw this book away, that's why it's sopping wet. I tried to get rid of it. If I get rid of it, Deceit won't have it. Which means he wouldn't have the plans. That's what I tried to do, and failed.

"Fuck!" I shout and hit my head on the tree trunk. Why did I have to be born? Why do I still have to be here? Why is this my life?

"Are you done?" Deceit asks.

"Fuck off," I mutter.

"I would love to, but we have business to do, so," Deceit snaps his fingers and the next thing I know, I'm on my ass at the burnt down castle.

"Aw, c'mon!" I sit up and glare at Deceit.

"You need to start writing stuff down," He smirks and I hiss but take out the still damp note pad and start jotting stuff down, "So, it turns out that Roman has a twin, I believe his name is Remus, and he wants to be next in line but won't be until Roman's king."

"Your point?"

"My point is that he's agreed to help us kill the king as long as we help him kill Princey, so that he's next in line. We have a man on the inside."

My stomach drops. Never in a million years did I think any of this would actually be put into motion because we didn't have enough information, but now we have an inside man.

"Did you agree to this?" I frown.

"Of course. It gives us what we want and makes it a hell of a lot easier too."


"Remus is coming down here tomorrow to start planning."

"I don't care," I say getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"To sleep."

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now