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Virgil has been in surgery for almost two hours. The doctors think he'll be fine, he just lost a lot of blood and a hand. I should've been able to tell which was Virgil and which was Deceit. I should have been able to stop-

"Stop it," Patton says.

I look up at him and frown, "What?"

"You're pulling the face you always pull when you feel you could have done something more. You did what you could. You did your best," He smiles a little.

"But my best- My best just wasn't good enough," I sigh.

"You can't do anything more than your best though. It's physically impossible. Your best was good enough to keep almost everyone alive," Patton looks down at his feet and then back at me. Remus' dead body flashes behind my eyes.

"But so many died in the process."

"But we aren't all dead, are we? We're still alive and mostly well. But you did what you could. You did what you had to do to defend yourself and it saved a lot of people from being knocked out and possibly costing us the entire battle." He hugs me as I start to cry. "It's okay. I promise you."

"Sir?" The surgeons comes out of the theatre and I turn around wiping tears, "Virgil has come out of surgery and is ready for visitors."

"Thanks," I nod and she walks back into the theatre. I lean back into Patton's shoulder and he hugs me giving me a fatherly kiss on the forehead before we walk into the intensive care room. Virgil is still out cold on the bed his arm bandaged up. Oh his poor hand. Tears start to form in my eyes again as I look at my beautiful boyfriend, "I could've- I could've stopped this. If I had listened to him earlier. then maybe none of this would have happened or- or if I had stopped Deceit from taking my sword, then-"

Patton hugs me to cut me off, "Let me remind you that Deceit and Virgil are magic so you could not have stopped Deceit from taking your sword because he literally magic-ed it out of your hands. As for you could have listened, maybe but you panicked and did what you had to do to get out of a bad situation. It's okay. Everything's okay."

I sigh and hug Patton tighter. I don't know what I would do without Pat. He keeps me sane and he knows how to help with emotions. He always has known. It's why I platonically love him.

There's a groan behind us, "What the fuck happened?"

Patton and I turn around to look at rather confused Virgil. He looks at the drip in his arm connected to a clear bag and another one connected to a blood bag.

"What happened to Deceit?" He asks his heart rate monitor speeding up and bleeping way too fast.

"Shh, calm down, Virgil. Deceit got arrested and is being held in a high security prison where it's impossible to use magic," I say sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Thank fuck," Virgil sighs and the beeping returns to the rhythmic slow beeps. I smile lightly at him and he smiles back. Oh yeah!

"Virgil, I have some good news."


Virgil's kneeling in front of Dad. It took some persuading to get him to accept this but he one hundred percent deserves it. A knight passes Dad a sword and he lays it on Virgil's right shoulder and then moves it over his head to Virgil's left shoulder.

Virgil stands up and, after a long speech from Dad along with a few forms, exits the throne room with me on his arm followed by Mum and Dad and then everyone else. We all walk to the ballroom where there's a huge buffet and music playing. People come up to Virgil and congratulate him on his knighthood as others start to dance. I smile up at him and he smiles back.

"I'm proud of you, Virgil," I grin.

"Thanks," He smiles.

"May I have this dance, Sir Virgil?" I ask as Second Waltz by André Rieu starts.

"You may, Prince Roman," He replies and we begin to waltz with the rest of the crowd. We carry on through the song and the next and the next. Just dancing around, his right hand on my hip and mine on his shoulder. We stay dancing through the night just like in a movie. It's amazing. We don't stop until the ballroom is basically empty and the music stops. I rest my head on his chest and put both of my arms around the back of his neck. His arms find their way to my waist and his chin rests on my head.

"Thank you so much," I mutter.

"What for, Princey?" Virgil asks quietly.

"Saving us."

"I couldn't have done it without you."

I smile and yawn.

"Tired?" He asks

"Little bit."  I nod leaning on Virgil's chest. Moments later, I'm swept off my feet with a small squeak escaping my mouth. Virgil carries me to my room bridal style and lays me down on the bed. I pull at his hoodie's sleeve, "Stay?"

He smiles and get into bed with me. With a sigh, I slide over so the my head is on his chest and his strong arms wrap around me.

He places a kiss on my forehead as I start to fall asleep and he quietly whispers, "Goodnight, my sleeping beauty."

The End.


Woohooo! That was fun to write. I hope y'all enjoyed this and if you're interested I might do an 'ask the characters' kind of thing either on here and my instagram page? Basically it's where you can ask any of the characters absolutely anything you want!

If your interested comment the character and question here by 3/11/2019 (3rd Nov)!
I will hopefully publish it on that day or the day after depending on what I'm doing. After this date you can ask any questions on my insta page.

Thank you guys so much for reading this! Thanks for all of the support and love!
Stay safe! Love you!

My sleeping beauty ~ PrinxietyWhere stories live. Discover now